It should be pretty obvious by now that no one in the Federal Government knows anything about balancing the budget. Well, I do.
Here's what needs to happen.
1. Get rid of a few deadwood federal departments like the Department of Education. These guys are worthless, and don't deserve our 65 billion dollars a year. How much can you save by not brainwashing your kids?
2. Eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency. We got along without the EPA for the first 200 years of our nation. We can get along without their massive, bloated budget today.
3. Eliminate the Drug Enforcement Administration. Suffice it to say, everyone knows someone in prison that's not supposed to be there because of these guys. The only reason you're not in prison is because they haven't framed you, yet.
4. Eliminate the Department of the Interior. Show me where it says the federal government can own land and I'll take this one back. Federal lands should belong to the states they're located in. Yellowstone National Park should be Yellowstone State Park, or just Yellowstone.
5. Eliminate the Federal Reserve. This is NOT a federal agency. This is a private bank owned by foreign bankers who hold the promissory note on this country. Our elected leaders sold us down the toilet on this one back in 1913. The Fed is responsible for virtually every problem this country has, including the current economic crisis.
6. Eliminate the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS is the Federal Reserve's gestapo bulldog. These guys wear the ugly mask the Fed hides behind. The Federal Reserve Act has never been ratified. There is no law saying you must pay income tax. Every dime of income tax you pay goes straight to the coffers of the Federal Reserve, never to be seen again.
7. Eliminate Homeland Security. On the surface, it sounds like Mom's apple pie, but it's much more than that. Homeland Security is designed to secure their homeland from YOU by tapping your phones, reading your mail, chip you, making airline trips a living hell, overseeing FEMA concentration camps for "prisoners of war", national I.D., and a whole lot more I don't want to get into. Let's just say Mom's apple pie is artificially enhanced with FDA-approved arsenic.
8. Eliminate the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. How the hell an outfit like ATF ever got started in this country is beyond me. Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms are all legal and protected under the Constitution. How did we ever get guilted into allowing an agency to regulate our rights? Way past time to take 'em back. Get rid of this agancy now.
9. Screw this elimination of agencies one by one. Just get rid of all federal "agencies". FDA, USDA, AMA, are all corrupt to the core, and have been bought and paid for by Big Pharma, Monsanto, and anyone else with a suitcase full of federal notes. These guys have all outlived their usefulness long ago, and have stepped into the territory of extreme danger to humanity.
10. No more career politicians. Forced term limits on ALL elected positions.
11. Enforce anti-trust laws and strengthen labor laws. After all, who's the engine that keeps this economy going?
12. All those who received bailout money since November 2008 will be required to pay back the note in full within 30 days of this notice, or their assets will be seized.
13. Monsanto must be dissolved and its officers thrown in prison for crimes against humanity. In case you're not aware, this is a company that has single handedly destroyed the planets food supply for no other reason but profit and control.
14. Now that we got Chrysler, General Motors, and Ford by the balls, force them to produce free energy vehicles, at an incredibly cheap price, or scrap their companies and give it to Tesla Motor Co.
15. Stop all federal funding to colleges and universities and let them stand or fall on their own abilities to provide proper education. It's a business like any other.
16. States' rights must be the law of the land. The only way this country can survive is by the banding together of individual, autonomous states with their own laws and self interest without the tyranny of an absentee bureaucracy 1,000 miles away.
17. We need a new economy, and it needs to be modeled after the commodities market. The reason the commodities market functions so successfully is because there's no debt. Obligations are met instantly and all books are balanced by the end of the day. If you owe money, by day's end, you cough it up or you can expect to have your assets seized. You play, you pay.
18. Hands off the Internet. Anyone who proposes to control the Internet will have their names, addresses, and phone numbers posted so any psycho with alcohol, tobacco, and firearms can pay them a home visit.
19. No paramilitary activities by any law enforcement. This isn't a police state. Police can wear a standard uniform like a mail carrier, but no riot gear for the purpose of scaring the shit out of Ma and Pa Kettle because they got a tip they had pot in their garden. Serpico didn't wear Kevlar. Neither should Barney Fife.
20. Restore habeas corpus. It's our individual right to force our accusers to present the evidence against us and to give us the opportunity to rebut it. Our last president took habeas corpus away, and our new president won't even address this issue, which speaks volumes.
21. The mainstream news media has become a bunch of rancid, corporate whores. We need to be properly informed. Currently, publishers, i.e. owners of newspapers, dictate what news is reported. This in turn is dictated to them by corporate and government interests, which makes the news media a propaganda mill. This needs to stop now. No. 1: Publishers need to give their editors autonomy. No. 2: Editorial boards need to be comprised of ordinary citizens, as opposed to heads of business, that sit on them today. This should be law. Case in point, do you think Woodward and Bernstein could break Watergate today? If you do you're an idiot. There's probably 100 Watergates going on right now and we'll never hear about them because our media is owned. Perry White's publisher never told him what to do and as a result, Lois Lane won the Pulitzer.
"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government." - David Rockefeller in Baden-Baden, Germany, 1991, thanking major media for keeping secret for decades the movement of the prophetic one world government.
22. Make government lobbying illegal. If you get pulled over and offer the cop a hundred dollars to tear up the ticket, you'll find yourself in jail. There should be no difference between that and offering bribes to elected officials.
23. Eliminate, eviscerate, and obliterate the Department of Defense. This department is misnamed. It's actually the Department of Offense, and since its inception in 1947, it has sucked the lifeblood out of everyone on the planet. The only force on the planet who thinks they're capable of invading this nation is the federal Department of Defense. Woe betide any nation or group of nations willing to aggressively set boots on American ground. They will definitely be met with very heavy resistance, provided we've neutralized our biggest threat ... the federal government, who would roll over and give the store away. But a state-by-state military campaign would never be won. From the reddest-necked southern cracker to the limpest-wristed San Franciscan, we'll all fight to the death with gasoline bombs, handguns, and swords until there's no invader left breathing American air.
Keep in mind, this isn't their country. It's ours. If we don't take it back, they won't give it to us.
And once we get it back it'll be bastardized and tainted with the stink of tyranny.
"Lead, follow, or get out of the way." -Thomas Paine