Wednesday, March 09, 2011

what can I do?

I gather a lot of information from a number of sources, mostly pertaining to our current situation, what got us here, and how to make this reality better than what it appears to be.  History can be a great tool to understand why things are the way they are, which explains why the powers that be eliminated the classics from our education system years ago.  History always repeats itself and knowledge about how people in the past defeated their oppressors is information the slave class doesn't need to know.  It's a control thing.

Sometimes I wonder if I'd be better off being dumb, illiterate, and sedated, like the majority of my citizen brethren. 

I don't want to go through a detailed list of what's wrong with our world today.  Everyone knows what's wrong.  Our food isn't fit to eat, our water isn't fit to drink, our air isn't fit to breath, and we're forced into a doomed petroleum system that requires constant wars and toppling governments to install new puppet dictators to replace yesterdays puppet dictators to keep the oil flowing.  On top of all this, our elected representatives, against the vast majority of their constituents wishes, hand over the treasury to the richest corporations in the world in an economic coup d'état. 

As if that's not enough, our asshole president and his trillion dollar stimulus package did nothing but decrease the value of American currency so we can all look forward to paying $5.00 for a gallon of gas this summer with no increase in pay.  That is, if you have a job in the private sector.  In reality, the only jobs the stimulus package would truly “create” — as opposed to help “save” — would be 600,000 new jobs for bureaucrats.  Past stimulus plans have usually failed to do much to revive the economy, despite their enormous cost.  Japan tried it in the '80's, the "lost decade," building virtually unused bridges and airports located in districts of powerful legislators.
And don't get me started on Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, or NAFTA.

If our elected representatives performed this well in the private sector they'd all be on welfare.

I've come to realize a few truths:
Democracy in this country never existed. 
Our republic is in name only.
Both the White house and congress have a consistent track record of doing the exact opposite of what the American people want them to do.
Both the White house and congress have a consistent track record of making things worse than if they did nothing at all.

It stands to reason, both the asshole in the White house and our asshole representatives are either working for someone else, who is coercing them to constantly and continually pass laws that serve no other purpose than to destroy the constitution they swore to uphold and usher in a socialist state, or Washington is run by a bunch of totally retarded psychopaths who get off by causing misery for everyone while filling their bank accounts.   
Did I leave anything out?  If the answer is "no," you're not paying attention.  You can either go back to sleep and think everything is fine or do something about it.

"But what can I do?  I'm just one person and the government is so big."

I'll tell ya what you can do.  Get an envelope and stuff it with monopoly money or I.O.U.s and address it to

The President
The White House
Washington, DC

and drop it in the nearest mailbox and feel good about doing something patriotic besides piss and moan about how no one's doing anything.  If you want to be anonymous, use someone elses return address.  Use a reverse lookup in the white pages.

Don't forget the stamp.  The Post Office is going broke, too.

That will at least put some newly hired bureaucrats to work opening up all that mail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Democracy in this country never existed.'

maybe not, but capitalism always has.

maybe democracy is better aligned with socialism, your 'bug bear.'

there seems to be an entrenched fear of social democracy among u.s. citizens. whereas i think it is sensible and natural for the human community.

in my mind it would lead to the kinds of oil-free energies you might advocate such as solar grids and windmills.

windmills: good for tilting at too!