Wednesday, October 22, 2014

an orgonite discovery

From the time I made my first orgonite biscuit I've had some kind of orgonite in the bedroom to see how it affects my sleep.  I figured during sleep I'd have no preconceived notions and be more open to subtle changes.  Placing the piece under the bed was a no-brainer.

My dreams and sleep patterns have never been the same.  What used to be ordinary dreams of stories and things I know has been replaced with orgone enhanced dreams that focus on instruction, learning, and the wildest stuff even my fertile imagination could never conceive.  Most of these dreams are so out of the bounds of reality that there's no frame of reference in my awake state to hold the thought much more than a few moments after waking.  Too weird to compare them to anything familiar.

It's not just the difference in dream subject matter that's affected by orgonite but there's an unmistakable feeling or flavor in orgone enhanced sleep that's impossible to describe.  There are no words that can accurately describe it but I can tell when it's there and miss it if it's not.

Now, there's a guy I saw on YouTube who claims the negative energy enters orgonite through the bottom and exits through the top as healthy energy.  That's what this stuff is supposed to do, transmute DOR into POR.  He also claims the DOR, or bad energy, accumulates and concentrates at the base and spreads out horizontally, potentially making orgonite unhealthy if placed on a night stand, dresser, or any other surface at head level while you sleep.

Interesting theory but my own observations lead me to believe this might not be completely accurate.  It's worth investigating so I set up a simple experiment by putting all the orgonite in the bedroom on the floor to see what happens.

The first night, although I had a deep, restful sleep, I had a total absence of dreams, or at least I couldn't remember having any.  This continued for a week and each night was as uneventful as the one before.  There were a few dreams about ordinary stuff but nothing to write home about.  In other words, sleep time became boring and I remembered why I used to stay up late and wake up early before I got into nocturnal orgonite enhancement...  Sleep is just a waste of time. 

I was getting enough restful sleep, which should be a good thing, but I noticed little changes during the day that made my workday seem longer and more like a chore.  The little bits of bullshit I used to take in stride became more pronounced and bothersome and I found little joy in my work.  Even my free time lacked inspiration and surfing the internet gave me the feeling there were trillions of web sites and no place to go.

On the seventh day I remembered the experiment and realized I completely forgot I put all the orgonite on the floor.  I dutifully returned the units to where I had them before and went to bed, like it was just another lacklustre chore I had to put up with.

The next morning I opened my eyes and sat straight up in bed, like someone lit a fire under my ass.  A notebook in one hand and a pen in the other and my head was still full of multi-dimensional mother ships, huge, yellowish, bell shaped things, slow motion missile strikes in Nebraska, bodies in a box of dirt getting ready for a wedding, waterboarding vending machines, Helen Keller action figures, unfamiliar dream people, forms without fleshy substance, vagal stimulation is as effective as LSD, and tons of other stuff my waking brain was unable to hold on to as it all slipped into forgetfulness.  Now, THAT was an orgone enhanced dream!

I spent the next week repeating the experiment and each night's dreams were weirder then the one before.  The changes in my awake hours were equally dramatic.  Work was more fun and those bits of corporate bullshit that bothered me so much are now something to laugh at because I can do this stuff standing on my head.  I'm a leaf on the wind, a bending reed, and if these guys want to get me down they need to try harder.  I no longer walked at work.  I strode, strutted, stretched my legs, stepped up my gait, put a spring in my step, and when it was time to smell the roses I strolled.  Multi-tasking?  Are you serious, dude?  I can do that in my sleep!  Literally.
It didn't take long to formulate a theory.  The guy who said orgonite placed on the night stand was bad, didn't take into consideration that orgonite might do a better job at pulling negative energy than we can.  The close proximity of the DOR pulling base to a prone body might extract all that negative crap we collect through the day and transmute it to healthy, life-enhancing energy.  This might account for my physical, mental, and emotional improvements compared to the orgone-free week before.  I'm discounting the placebo effect because I had completely forgotten about the experiment.  I expected nothing from this experiment because it wasn't on my mind.  The only change is the orgonite placement.  I suppose I can repeat the experiment for another week but that will have to wait.  I'm having way too much fun right now to go back to normal life.

That's it!  The reason my dreams were boring and uneventful and being awake totally sucked the life out of me was because, for the first time in many years, I was normal, ordinary, bland, banal, just like damn near everyone else I know.  Only, in my case, it was sudden and abrupt and I felt what it was like to be transformed into a normal, ordinary guy in hours instead of working on it for a whole lifetime like everyone else. 

Knowing this fills me with sorrow and pity for the human race and I can now understand why most people don't even realize they inhabit a prison planet.
As anyone into this stuff can tell you, orgonite is the key to your prison door and it took me a week to get first hand proof.

Just thinking about this gives me the chills and makes me want to make some high quality HHGs for people who so desperately need them.  I figure if you got this far you might be interested in the next line. 

Just ask and I'll send you something that will change your life for the better, FREE. 

It's not enough to get the good energy in from an HHG under the bed but equally important to get the bad stuff out as well.

Like a de-tox for your soul.



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