Saturday, December 31, 2016

I just got fired and I never felt better

It's the day after Christmas and I lost my job.  I'll admit, I spent a few minutes in a state of denial, but when the fog in my head cleared, I was good to go.  My head was reeling with thoughts but the most predominate was, I'M FREE.

Secondary and tertiary thoughts included the absolute cowardice of my manager, who I considered my friend, who had one of his assistants give me the bad news instead of delivering it himself.  And another assistant, who I worked with for a few years who I thought would at least give me a heads up on the situation, acted as a silent witness when the surprise axe fell.

If the situation was reversed, I would have stepped in and put in my two cents to defend my workmate.  I would have argued on behalf of the person chosen to be fired as an unsolicited litigator and fought for my workmate's job.  Ya see, it's always been my philosophy that you never mess with another man's job.  A bad habit I picked up as a union worker and union officer in past jobs.  But in retail, you're on your own because there is no union and the company has you by the short hairs and everyone is too afraid to lose their job.  So, my pseudo friends stood silent and idle as I got fired from a job of 14 years, by a guy who wasn't there a year.

And what was my crime, do you ask?  I gave a flashlight/stun-gun to a girl who worked there because she had to walk two miles home, after 11pm, through a bad neighborhood.  Nothing more than a Christmas present.  Well, Merry Christmas.  You're fired.

But I'm good.  For the first time in many years, I got not only the Christmas spirit but acknowledgement from the universe that all this was nothing but good.  Ya see, a few days ago I stood in the energy field of the Mofo field generator I built a few months ago, and made an intent for a better job that payed more and would give me more satisfaction.  I could never do that unless I was free from my present job, which I would never quit because of my work ethic.  It took an outside agency to force me out of that position to fulfill my desire and intent.

At this moment I'm in a total state of respect and awe of the power this field generator has.  It totally redirected my whole life from a simple intent.  And no one knows better than me...Ya call the tune, ya pay the piper.  I knew what I was getting into and I accept the fates.

My head is in a better place, now.  I can feel my IQ rising from the lack of stupidity I was accustomed to and the world is my oyster.  Anyone else in this position might be fostering revenge or ill will toward the participants who executed my economic demise but I refuse to foster such negative emotions.  Rather, I choose to wish that all involved get what they deserve and that everyone else get a better job.

Not to worry about me.  I have a backup plan to keep me in the monetary security to which I've been accustomed.  And quite honestly, this job was messin with my psyche and I'm glad to be done with it.  I'm free to work on other projects like making lick-her, field generators, orgonite and de-calcifying my third eye.

Send your condolences to my former employer and your good wishes to me.  I'm just getting warmed up.


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