Thursday, May 24, 2018

who's the establishment?

I'm a little confused.  Aren't the Democrats traditionally ant-establishment?  My whole life it was Democrats are for the working guy and the Republicans are for big business.  Labor unions always voted Democrat while business owners and Wall Street voted Republican.  Big business IS the establishment.  The military industrial complex IS the establishment.  The FBI, CIA, NSA, ATF, and the rest of our three letter government institutions are all members of the establishment.  All these institutions have one thing in common.  They want Trump out of office.

Why do you suppose the vast majority of the American establishment, Democrats, Republicans, union leaders, mainstream media, social platforms, teachers, students, liberals, millennials and  every other generational block are so down on Trump?

Could it be that Trump is the only president we've ever had that was voted into office by the people instead of someone selected by unknown members of the establishment?

Clearly, Trump represents the most anti-establishment president we've ever seen and the liberals are going absolutely ape-shit because of it.  The left and the right both get their news from mostly the same sources and we all have the ability to read between the lines, considering MSM is, and always has, worked for the establishment.  Can't you see we're being played? 

What's so hysterical about all this is that Donald Trump is a New York Democrat who ran on the Republican ticket because the DNC is too crooked to allow a real peoples candidate to lead the party.  (Bernie Sanders comes to mind.)
The RNC, on the other hand, follows the rules enough to allow a guy like Trump to win the nomination.  He knew this way before he tossed his hat in the ring.

To all the lefties, MSM watchers, and Trump haters out there...

Does it bother, you just a little, that being anti-Trump means you're in favor of endless wars, bleak prosperity, police state, the abolishment of lawyer-client privilege, the end of the constitution, mob rule from the top with total immunity for those "in the club" and 100% surveillance for everyone else.  Higher taxes, longer prison terms, bigger fines, more regulation, and more boots stamping on human faces with no end in sight?

Look, I've been fighting the establishment my whole life.  I know my adversary when I see it and it aint Trump.  It's the rest of the government you have to watch.

Think for one minute.  When did you decide to side with your oppressors and fight those who are fighting for your rights and freedoms?  It's not the 70's anymore. 

Who's the puppet master that has us all at each others throats?  No sane person fights in a burning house.  You've been conditioned to do this and it's time to break your imperial conditioning.  Cut the strings.  Time to wake up.

 Remember... We're all in this together.  


Rainbird said...

Such the stellar distillation. I'd love to taste your wine.

karmasurfer said...

Thanks, Rain bird. I was wondering why this post got so many hits. Who loves me? I guess that would be you. And I'm pretty sure it's pancake-like.