Monday, June 22, 2015

PVC CB update

It's been three weeks since I installed the solar panels for the frequency generator that powers the PVC CB and I have to say unusual things are happening with relative regularity.

In an earlier post I used two small solar panels to run the frequency generator that powers up the PVC CB in my back yard.  By doing this, the CB only operates when there's enough sunlight to power it up instead of the batteries that keep it operational for about a week and a half non-stop.  This set-up puts Mother Nature in the driver's seat.  More sunshine means more energy through the pipes.  Less energy output with cloud cover and no energy output at night when it's dark.

The first day I switched on the unit the weather changed to a mixed bag of sunshine, rain, sunshine, clouds, rain, and sunshine in a constant and continual shift from one extreme to another.  One minute the sky would be full of sunshine and dry air, followed by heavy humidity which morphed into dark clouds and rain followed by sunshine and white clouds.  More often than not, the change would be so abrupt the bright sunshine and low humidity would come out before the rain stopped, drenching the area in surreal otherworldliness.  This radical weather mix has been an ongoing thing every day since I switched on the unit.  It's been three weeks now and every day has seen bright sunshine, dry weather, humidity, thunder storms, heavy downpours, and bright sunshine with low humidity every single day.  I overheard two people talking about the weather the other day and one of them said, "If the weather doesn't suit you, wait a few minutes and it'll change."

I talk to a lot of people every day and I haven't met one person who felt the need to water their outdoor plants and garden hose sales are at an all time low.  The few people who know what I'm doing all agree I should keep this unit running.  "Every day there's something different", they say.

I'm not quite sure what to make of it.  Just today while at work I could hear the sound of heavy rain pounding the roof and going outside moments later to find only a few puddles that weren't evaporated by the bright sunshine and low humidity.  It doesn't seem to stop people from mowing their lawns because the grass is dry enough to mow within hours after a drenching rain.  And this has been an every day occurrence for three weeks with no end in sight.

I can only assume this is what a balanced weather system is supposed to be and it's what naturally happens when you let Earth do it's job and clean the toxic aerosol crap from our skies.  Earth does what it needs to function best without a bunch of pseudo-intellectual monkey men dictating how things should be because they think they control this planet.

I wonder what would happen if we had a few thousand of these solar powered CBs in operation across the continent, hidden in woods, deserts, mountaintops, back yards, and public parks.  Just set it and forget it and let Earth be the active participant in her own healing without the interference of human ego to mess things up.

Anyone care to get involved in a positive world-wide experiment?




Unknown said...

I wonder what would happen if we had a few thousand of these solar powered CBs in operation across the continent, hidden in woods, deserts, mountaintops, back yards, and public parks.

Short comment ... you are not alone in this job ,but many people who made orgone generators felt down because of leak of knowledge and now the reptilians drive those devices.
It is not real to have many active orgone devices around the golbe but another option is to have large power orgone devices and to keep your environment safe and healthy ,because of karmic reasons ,so be careful. But there is always a question of responsibility to Mother Earth.
My mind is always in this doubt my friend.
The best ever mix for kill chems (and all other purpose)in the sky is Al2O3 Fe2O3 combination
,killer method at all.

Knowledge is power and responsibility

karmasurfer said...

I use Al203 and Fe203 as a base for most of my projects. What do you feel is the best ratio?

I tend to think if reptilians drive these devices it would have to be remote, Otherwise, it would be like using a gun with the barrel pointed to your head. This stuff is deadly to reptilians and harmless to most humans. Do we need humans to monitor these devices? If so, we should find as many people as we can who live close to a major vortex to monitor some large power devices to effect the entire grid.
I'm a total optimist when it comes to this stuff, my friend. I say try everything.

Unknown said...

From remote of course but they do not drive them directly ,they attach owner's mind to low frequencies the rest you know.You can try to monitor them, but be careful ,take a good look what's happening around!?

The best ratio !? I really don't know.I had many projects and I was a little impatient in my work but I had best results in reverse crystal and metal powder ratio engineering.The goal is to guess how many powder per pint(litar).Even lower density then yours in Jupiter2 works good for me.Ratio 4-1 3-1 even 2-1 with a lot of quartz sand for inner cores ,outside of core larger metal shavings in cascades.The colors of outside metal shaving layers are also important but not critical.Geometry-shape of device is also important in oreder what you want to get as a final result.You know that I use metal pipes for non local work.Helikopters and other sky patrols helped me to measure the real orgone field range ,because bastards can not come near to strong field ,they can't break thru.
For sharper energy flow try titanium powder at the top as extra layer ,but let it be little more transparent then other powder metals because is much greasier.
Programming of crystals and metal/resin remains the main goal in our job.

The best solution for Mother Earth is to make your earth battery devices ,because I can leave them on few spots in wide range in nature.I need more info about those devices and it will be real inspiration for me if you can send me an email on
I made few devices inspired with your work ,but with smokey quartz instead of clear quartz crystal.They are perpetuum mobile beacuse they get info directly from Mother Earth ,they breathe in harmony with nature.

One more thing! I never make cores without 500-600 foot mobius coil inside ,which is hard to make in one coil ,so I split them in 2 or more coils ,serial connected , depends on wire gauge!

Unknown said...

Can you please send me the plans for
to my mail

Can you please send your adress to me ,so I will try to send something to you.

Kind Regards