Wednesday, August 15, 2018

wine a little or get off my flow chart

I found this flow chart on

In my humble opinion, if it's not fruit of the vine, it aint wine.

I've been pondering the proper name for wines that are made from substances other than grapes.  In Mongolia you can get fermented mares milk with a blood garnish called Kumis.  A drink made from fermented honey is called mead.  Hard cider comes from apple cider.  I wouldn't call any of these wines.  They all have their own distinctive name that separates them from other alcoholic beverages.  Why would something made from watermelon and walnuts share the same general name as Malbec, Chardonnay, or even Concord?  Truth is, they don't.  That other-than-grape fruity stuff is called country wine, to separate it from the real thing.  I tend to think it needs a few more degrees of separation, like maybe calling it country whine.  But I digress...
This flow chart not only gives me an idea what to make next but it sheds a little light on why some of my friends get box wines and others prefer the lollipop, tooty-fruity, "country wines" that fill the shelves of every winery around here.

Or should I say whinery?



Rainbird said...

Kinda reminds me of the instructions for the anti gravity toilet in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

karmasurfer said...

I think this is a little less urgent.