Friday, February 21, 2020

cheez-it vs cheese-nips

And old friend, who is now dead, told me there is a vast difference between Cheez-its and Cheese-Nips.

They look alike, have almost the same box, share the same location in any store, and share the same price, have nearly the same name, but they are night and day in quality.

I haven't had Cheese-nips for a long time and gave in to the temptation a week ago and got some.  So much heaven in one box, I consumed the whole thing.

A week later i found myself in the cracker isle looking for more but all I found was Cheez-its.  I mean, there was three shelves full of Cheez-its of all kinds of flavors and sizes and absolutely no Cheese-nips to be found anywhere.

I figure one of two things... They didn't carry them anymore.  They sold out and were waiting to re-stock.  Either way, my choice was Cheez-its or nothing.  I chose Cheez-its.

Ok... Cheeze-its lack flavor and don't have near enough salt.  It was like eating road kill instead of a steak.  I choked them down just to get rid of the box.

Today I opened a box of Cheese-nips.  I still had the memory of Cheez-its on my salivary glans as I took the first cracker between my teeth.

Night and day, baby.  Night and day.


1 comment:

Rainbird said...

I have a recollection of cheese nips being more flaky and less inclined to turn into a ball of cheese flavored dough as I chewed them.