Saturday, February 15, 2020

lost shekina found

I was scrounging goodies for my next bubble project.  Things like a mobius cable, living water, diatomaceous earth ormus, magnets, and stuff like that.  It struck me I had a solution I made back in 2015 that's been sitting in the cabinet where I store my pilsner glasses, untouched since I made it.  I could use this for the base of the internal succor punch.  It really made the double mobius mexican hat kick ass.  It should work even better in a bubble.

About this solution... Five years ago, several of us in various parts of the world, were making these and comparing notes through email.  It was supposed to be a manifestation device and we were all eager to try it.  We were told this device was called shekina 

The process was a full pint of a vinegar/salt solution, two copper pipes set up in a colloidal silver fashion, and hooked up to a 9v lantern battery to create a colloidal copper from the vinegar/ salt solution.  You keep the process running until the solution turns green.  When that's done, you add male and female DNA.  Male and female DNA spin in opposite directions and putting them in a sterile solution will create a minute chaos field vortex that grows exponentially.  It's designed for long term use and the longer it sets, the stronger it gets until manifestation becomes easy.  At least, that was the theory.

Anyway... I got the jar with the solution and saw it was dried up.  I mean, this was a sealed mason jar and all that was left was some crap on the bottom.  Only this wasn't just crap.  It seems the whole solution crystallized into one big crystal with a green tint.  What you see here is small chip about an inch long.   

I'm not sure how it happened but it looks like I found the crystal for my bubble internal mobius.         


Rainbird said...

Incredible. Who intuited the device that produced the Shekina?

karmasurfer said...

A guy by the name of lahunken61. You can find some of his writings if you do a search.

Rainbird said...

Well, that’s one way to eat up the entire head is just this side of exploding. What’s scary, is that what I read makes sense on some levels..... I am now permanently altered.

karmasurfer said...

Yeah, this guy was a fixture on the forum we were all on and he drove the moderators crazy. We thought it was high entertainment. But the guy makes sense, in an off-the-wall sorta way.