Ever try to do a jig saw puzzle? You have a whole bunch of pieces and only when you get enough of the pieces together do you start to see the whole picture. 2012 is something like that. You have the Illuminati, skull and bones, the Trilateral Commission, Bilderburgers, The Federal Reserve, The Vatican, chemtrails, cell phone towers, Queen Liz, The Carlyle Group, MK-ULTRA, H.A.A.R.P., FDA, FAA, NSA, GOP, CIA, FBI, U.N., and a whole bunch of other puzzle pieces, secret and non-secret, that all have their hands in this secret stuff that the common man isn't supposed to know about.
Stuff so secret that the Patriot Act was invented to find out what people know and take out the leakers accordingly.
Whatever it is, it's so big, so secret, that ordinary Earth governments are told what to do and what to say or suffer the consequences. JFK was assassinated for not towing the line. So was Abe Lincoln, Ken Ley, RFK, Martin Luther King, and tons more too numerous to mention. Those lucky enough to avoid death would suffer political assassination like Ted Kennedy.
But I digress...
My point is I think I found enough puzzle pieces to start to see the big picture and what I found is enough to straighten your grannies blue hair.
First off, the world leaders, the guys who really run this planet and not those jackasses running government, believe the world is over populated and think that 3,000,000 people is enough to manage. This misconception is based on the outdated theory that there isn't enough to go around, which is what fired up the eugenics movements in this country, the Nazi movement in WWII, and the Bush administration today. To these men of letters, human life is not only cheap but very expensive to maintain. The cost to run things will decrease dramatically if there weren't any people. More for them. The problem is, how do you get rid of everyone on Earth except for you and all your rich buddies?
The answer is simple. Create a series of problems with a solution for each of these problems and launch them at specified intervals. The solution is, of course, what you want in the first place and the problem is a way to get your solution approved by the masses. With each problem, limit the freedoms of the peasant slaves to provide a solution. Then lie like hell and keep telling the lie until the unwashed masses believe it. Before too long, the sheeple will do anything you say to save their sorry asses from what's to come. Hell, keep everyone loaded with prescription maintenance drugs, insipid TV, and fluoride and they'll demand it! This has multiple advantages for the power elite.
1. You can get a lot richer.
2. You keep the masses in a constant state of low level trauma.
3. With everyone in a constant state of low level trauma it's easier for them to believe whatever you tell them, especially if you own the mainstream media and drill it into their heads 24/7.
4. "Attention people. There's a comet heading right for us and we have cattle cars waiting to take you all to safety. ALL ABOARD!"
Are you familiar with Project Blue Beam?
Simply put, Project Blue Beam is a world-wide show the power elite will put on for all of Earths inhabitants and consists of a 4 part plan.
1. The first step concerns the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. Documents will emerge that will prove the worlds great religions are false, among other things considered sacred truths by humans.
2. The second step will be the world-wide space show where Jesus will make his second coming, Mohammad will make an appearance, as well as Buddha, Krishna, and every other deity in a holographic sky show complete with sound and 3D visuals that will make a Pink Floyd concert look like a square dance. I'll bet George Lucas will have something to do with the audio, you can bet on that. At this time, all the big deities will speak to their followers in their own languages and merge into the new and improved, one, true GOD, ushering in the first world-wide religion of the New World Order.
3. The third step deals with telepathic electronic two-way communication, where ELF(Extra Low Frequency), VLF (Very Low Frequency), and LF (Low Frequency) waves will reach the people of the earth through the insides of their brains, making each person believe that his own God is speaking to him from within his own soul. (And you thought cell phone towers were just for cell phones)
4. The fourth step involves universal supernatural manifestations using electronic means. We might see and hear anything from nasty u.f.o. attacks to Christians levitating to heaven in a rapture state to good aliens coming to save the good humans from the nuclear Holocaust.
The idea is to first institute the world religion and then to sanitize the world with a new world order, in that order. For this you need a lot of stupid people to believe such crap is really happening. Or do they?
Chemtrails could possibly provide holographic screens for the space show as well as interfere with our brains reaction to dismiss it as hallucination. The push to fluoridate everything we eat and drink and cradle-to-grave meds are making us prone to accept damn near anything. Star Trek brought us the alien attack factor, as well as acceptance into the new world order to come. George Lucas showed us a glimpse of a NWO future with THX-1138 but it was Star Wars that put him in the big leagues by pushing alien invasion and protection. Jurassic Park showed the us that Darwin was right and eugenics rules and Spielberg showed us through E.T. that aliens are not only friendly but cute. Batman Begins? You guessed it. Instant, mass psychosis is on its way.
Don't think for one minute the technology doesn't exist to put on this world-wide hoax. One look at the JFK assassination or 9/11 will tell you they have the balls to try it and we all know the U.S. government is at least 30 years ahead of the private sector in technology.
The telling point for me is how secret they all are about this stuff. If you don't believe chemtrails are real you either don't look up or you're a kid who never saw a blue sky. My government doesn't even acknowledge chemtrails exist and refuse to discuss it. I don't believe anything, especially if my government tells me so. Why would I believe they have my best interests at heart? Why would anybody, unless they're still asleep?
Well, I have a plan. Wanna hear it? It's simple.
Logic dictates that if the government is involved in putting on something as dumb as a world-wide space show with God himself dancing arm-in-arm with Mohammad and Buddha with alien invaders behind them encouraging us to drop our religions in favor of the new and improved, one, true, religion, with Beethoven's "Ode To Joy" playing in the background, as if they were selling toothpaste, you KNOW they'd fuck it up.
These are government employees, remember. The dumbest breed of human on the planet.
Now, just stop and think about this whole space show idea. I mean, what group of retards actually think this production will go off without a hitch? A world-wide theater performance tuned to the wavelengths of every human on Earth with a personal invitation from God, himself? Personally, I think it's just about the dumbest goddamed thing I ever heard of and if they actually believe they can pull this off they must be pretty sure of the tech to back it up.
Well, folks, they got the tech and it's gonna be a trip to the fun house, complete with everything your psyche can dredge up from hells ugliest demons to choirs of angels dancing on pin heads and unless you're prepared for this mental battle between good and evil, it's gonna be real as piss and most of us will die, go insane, or hop aboard the first train to safety that the government provides, only that train will take you straight to the re-education camps.
We're wise to the lies. Like The Who once said, "We won't be fooled again."
I'd say, for the run-up to 2012 the best we can do is stock up on food and water, lots of ammo, plenty of drugs, (including that tab of acid you've been saving) keep your sense of humor, get your head straight and wait for the space show.
The World-Wide, God-alien, Holographic Space Show ~brought to you by the power elite~
December 21.2012 I encourage everyone to listen to
Serge Monast with an open mind and I hope to see you all in Key West.