Tuesday, July 27, 2010

veggies gone wild

It's hard to believe I've been pulling this amount of stuff out of the garden nearly every day for a month.  Each day I go to the garden, just to check how it's doing, and find stuff that needs picking. 

The heat wave that hit us for the past few weeks wrecked havoc and I thought I'd lose just about everything from the blistering heat and sun but these plants just keep coming back, producing like it's going out of style.
That gully washer we got the other day, literally, pulled the pepper plants out by the roots but this morning they look better than ever.

The zucchini on the left is typical and I'm starting to run out of ideas as to what to do with them so some of the girls at work made me an offer I can't refuse.  I supply them with zucchini and they bring me what they made.  Stuff like zucchini bread, zucchini quiche, zucchini sauteed in brown sugar and honey...   Not a bad deal, especially since I don't have to heat up my house cooking all that stuff.

Ok, so the plum trees aren't producing and the pickle tree is almost toast from all that sun and heat, the strawberries are still going strong.  At this rate I might have to add another hanging basket for the runners.

The big mystery is the melon patch.  Some of the watermelons are visible but the cantaloupe and honeydews have so much foliage it's impossible to see what's underneith without stepping on the plants.  It's hard to believe two months ago frost was killing all the plants.
Crazy world, aint it?
Mental note...  Next time I'll use a trellis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses."
~Hanna Rion~