Wednesday, October 20, 2010

good deal

This economy reminds me of a 40 year old Rambler.  No matter how many engine rebuilds you give it, no matter how many parts you replace, it's just a 40 year old Rambler going for 41.  A genuine POS that will give you 8 MPG if you're lucky.  You can still keep it running but do you really want to?

The first ten years it ran pretty good.  It passed cars on the highway, had a large trunk, a decent engine, fair gas mileage, and room for six. 

The second ten years it ran ok.  It kept up with traffic, had a trunk with a few spare tires, the engine leaked oil, crappy gas mileage, and the seats were worn. 

The third decade it started up after a little ether in the carb.  Even old people pass you on the highway, the trunk had a big hole in the quarter panel, it has a rebuilt engine made from machined parts from the old engine, you took out a loan for the gas, the seats have springs poking you in the ass. 

The fourth, and present decade you take out a loan to top it off with oil, fill the radiator, top off the power steering fluid, the tranny fluid, the brake fluid, fill the tires with air, and jump start it with your neighbor's Chinese car.  Call the tow truck and take out a loan to pay him to tow you everywhere you go.  The trunk rotted away along with the back seats and floorboards, you're half retarded from breathing exhaust fumes, and all six of you have to ride in the front seat.

It costs you $40,000 a day to keep this piece of crap going.  You can't get rid of the car because 40 years ago you signed a contract saying you'll lease this car for $200 a month at 1000% interest compounded daily til the end of time and you're afraid of messing up your credit rating.

It's not your fault.  You're business partner (Uncle Sam) made that deal.  He's just a silent partner but the ironclad contract he made you sign ensures the business gives him unlimited credit for his pet projects like 3 million bucks to study potholes in rural Poland, billions on H.A.A.R.P., vacations in Reo, and a war or two just to make a few billion for his buddies and kill some brown skinned people in the process.

All the while you're trying to make ends meet and it's a losing battle.  Sure, you have enough for yourself but you want more.  You're entitled to more.  On the surface it looks good.  You have a job, people working for you, benefits, a savings account, a beautiful wife, darling children, a wonderful home, and a piece of crap car that costs you 40,000 bucks a day.  It's ok because your Chinese neighbor said he'll loan you all the money you need to keep this car running, with interest, and all he asks is something for collateral...  Everything that you and your family will ever own until the end of time.

Not bad, since I won't be around when the end of time gets here.

Yup.  Americans sure know a good deal when they see one. 

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