Thursday, August 11, 2011

it'll only get worse

The other day, for reasons unknown, I had three unrelated phrases repeating through my head non-stop.

1.  It'll only get worse before it gets worse and that means today is the best day for the rest of your life.

2.  Don't compare yourself to others.  They're more fucked up than you realize.

3.  Thumb suckin good!

It could be worse, like some obscure tune you never liked but gets stuck there, buzzing through your head until you're ready to take an ice pic to your ear drum.  These phrases, unlike some horrible tune from your past, sound more like the voice of authority... someone in the know.  But what does the voice of authority, or someone in the know  have anything to do with a phrase as bizarre as thumb suckin good?   Damned if I know.  All I know about thumb sucking is what infants do when mom's milk-engorged breast isn't available.  It's an infant security thing, something like a redundant perpetual pacifier.  I suppose "thumb suckin good" could be an ad man's slogan for something so wonderful that it takes you back to your first experience of true happiness...  infancy and sucking on mom's milk laden breast for nourishment and security.

These phrase loops started shortly after America lost its AAA rating and Wall Street took a plunge because the retards in Washington can't get a handle on the concept of spending less money.  After all, it's not their money and they never felt the pinch of not having enough.  The only reason congress exists is to spend tons of money on everything from teaching African men how to properly clean their uncircumcised penises to supporting every nation and war on the planet.  Imagine any crazy idea to spend money and it's all been done with an unlimited budget.  If it's not your money, and there's an endless supply, and doesn't affect your lifestyle, why try to control your spending habits?      

I know it's hard to adjust spending habits.  We get used to spending what we have and when our paychecks get smaller and consumer prices go up, we rely on credit to carry us over to the next pay check.  We borrow from tomorrow and deal with it when the bills come in.  But sooner or later our debts overtake our earnings and panic hits when we can't  buy more crap.  Reality sets in that we truly are slaves when all our hard earned money goes to people we don't know who gave us all that credit, with interest, to buy all that obsolete crap we thought we needed in the first place.

We the people have to adjust our personal budgets to balance our income and spending or we may find ourselves homeless, hungry, and destitute.

Congress has no pressure to do or change anything because their actions never affect them or their lifestyle.  The nations only income consists of Congress borrowing as much as they want from the Federal Reserve, or anyone else with tons of cash to burn, with unpaid interest spanning generations.  

In other words, The U.S. federal government has no visible means of support and has been living on unlimited, bottomless credit for a hundred years and has been paying next to nothing on the interest accrued from this borrowed money and zero payments on the principal.

The big question is, who exactly thought it was a good idea to give this deadbeat country a triple A credit rating in the first place?   Standard & Poor was too kind.

Here's an idea.  The U.S. can file chapter 11 and expunge their debt to the Federal Reserve, instantly becoming debt free.  Then the federal government, and all it's bureaucratic layers and departments can get pensioned off and the states can run the show like they're supposed to.

Sounds thumb suckin good!  

1 comment:

Sue said...

They should stop worrying about other countries and worry about this one.They are worried about getting other countries back on their feet after for no reason we went over and destroyed there country with wars we shouldn't have even been in.This place should be their priority.
You are right file chapter 11 and than we can get on our way to making this country like it should be ..For the people not the jerks that are in office now.

Honey you made a good point,to bad we have people in office that don't have to live paycheck to paycheck like most people.Or wonder if they are going to keep a roof over there head or food on the table.If they did maybe than they would realized what the hell they are doing to this country.

Keep it up babe,you always make good points.