Thursday, December 20, 2012

got plans for 12/21/2012?

Admit it.  Whether you believe anything will happen on 12/21/2012 or not, you're more than curious as to what tomorrow's morning light will bring.  Will the world end with a bang or a whimper, or will life just go on and on in day after day banality?  Massive tectonic plate shift or three more shopping days til Christmas?

Whatever happens on the 21st, I figure only a fool can be certain of the future, so I decided to do a little prep work, just in case.  I'm already stocked to the gills with food and water so stopping at the bank to close out a few accounts made perfect sense.  I kept the bank girls entertained with possible 12/21/12 scenarios and reminded them to keep a notebook and pen handy.  They might want to jot down some cosmic thoughts, just in case they become instantly aware.  I then converted the cash into useful commodities like tobacco, rum, quality wines, gold, and a couple lbs of Alaskan king crab.

Most of the people I talked to plan to spend the 21st with a few friends cooking on the grill and wait for the project blue beam sky show or anything different from this present state of progressive, downhill existence we call reality.  Calamity or paradise, it doesn't seem to bother most folks as to what might happen.  The point is, most people want SOMETHING to happen and even a mass extermination of all life on Earth is worthy of popping the cork on that bottle of Dom you were hording.

Whether you believe 2012 is just another Y2K, or the end of the world, or a spiritual cleansing, I know you'll wake up tomorrow and spend the better part of the day in silent thought about what's going to happen, where we're going, and try to wrap your mind around the possibility that humanity has to dramatically change for the better or become less than a footnote in Earth's history.

When all of humanity looks up at the sky and meditates on the same thing, at the same time, throughout the day... that's what makes things happen.  We all want the same things.  Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.  Can you imagine the complete and total change that would take place when we all direct our thoughts in the same direction?

It's a scientific fact that when 2% of an organism goes in the same direction it carries the remaining 98% with it.  Tomorrow there will be a wave of positive, human energy beginning in India and enveloping the Earth like a blanket for a whole day.  That kind of power can't be ignored and like it or not, you'll be part of it.

Saturday morning you'll wake to a new life and your breakfast will taste better than any breakfast you've ever had.

As for me, I have reservations on a space ship.

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