Saturday, March 10, 2018

liars and cheats

Suppose you were playing a game of chess with your friend.  You get up for a beer and when you get back you notice the board is slightly changed.  This guy's your friend.  He wouldn't do that.  You study the board while your friend gets a beer and you make your move and go take a piss.  When you get back you notice your queen is off the board.  It was there five minutes ago and your friend has a smug look as you sit down and study the board.  You call him on it and all he can say is, "I didn't touch it.  You're a liar."  You rearrange your strategy and put him in check mate.  He tips over the board and says you cheated.

Would you be eager to play another game with this fool?  I know... Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser.  This a little different.  This asshole isn't a good loser.  This is an asshole.

This is pretty much the way I see Democrats nowadays.  The rule of law and fair play is out the window for these people and replaced by a twisted philosophy I can't seem to wrap my mind around.  Ya can't talk to these people because they can't discuss or classically argue and seriously believe yelling louder can win the argument.  To embrace this socialist ideal, if you're under thirty, is accepted because kids don't know shit about the world but anyone over thirty that still embraces socialism as the one, true religion is a either a paid communist agitator or a total fuckin retard.  Colleges are full of total fuckin retards.

I could get behind any movement that would destroy the powers that be and the establishment but those on the left that hate Trump as the focus of their existence don't seem to realize that Trump is the only one out there that is fighting the establishment and the powers that be, and to fight against him is the same as fighting FOR the establishment.

I never thought I'd see the day when the leftist "revolutionaries" would side with the establishment.  Abby Hoffman is rolling in his grave.  This is the kinda shit he gave his life for.

Let me make this one point.  You got a president that is ready, willing, and able to change the totalitarian police state, the powers that be, the people that you riot for and watch on CNN that fill your heads with propaganda.  This is the first POTUS in your lifetimes that really gives a shit about you and is proving it every day.

If you can't see this... I have no use for you and I consider you my enemy.  In light of what's been reveled in Q posts and from those in the know, if you're not on the Trump train by now, you're hopelessly brainwashed and there's no salvation.

Think about what you're doing to make things better and get back to me. 


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