Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Berwick Experiment

The consensus is in. The Halloween party, as mentioned briefly in a previous post, was totally excellent. The orgone-rich atmosphere affected everyone, and the TBs the guests took home as party favors stimulated quite a stir. As suggested, many of these people placed the TBs under their beds, on nightstands, or near unsuspecting sleeping people to study the reaction, if any. Many people thought these chunks of orgonite couldn't possibly work, but tried them anyway after they heard about the dreams some people had while being near them. One person who suffered from nightmares slept with a TB under his bed and the dreams stopped, while others reported increased dream activity of a sort that they never experienced before. Others claimed the increased energy levels made sleeping difficult and had to remove the TB from the room.
I find all this very interesting. These people all live in Berwick, a town noted for its far reaching negativity levels. Hey, I like all these people, but there's a vibe in that town that you can feel.
The town is full of predators and prey, and sometimes they can't tell the difference. The zoning board was replaced with a private company that combs the streets and carports looking for vehicles with expired tags and inspections, homeowners get nailed for not mowing their grass low enough, which results in heavy fines, and everyone's property taxes doubled as a result of local politicians spending more money then they had. The low-paying jobs suck and as a result, drug use is way up. Yeah, this place just keeps getting worse, with no end in sight.

I decided Berwick will be my next goal. With each visit I'll drop off a few orgone devices in the most negative areas and watch what happens.

In the meantime, if you happen to live in the Berwick area, get a hold of me and I'll gladly send you a TB free of charge.


Bicyclerepairman said...

I lived and worked in Berwick for a short time. There REALLY are negative waves in that place! I think you may need to build an orgone island in the river just to get the vibes down to near normal levels.

Eowyn said...

BRM, ha ha, we could call it Four-Mile Island *s*

Four-mile-de-hide -- a totally new substance!

Well, guerrilla warfare is just getting started. Beware, o ye sheep, who are about to be smitten by the jawbone of an ass.

(sorry, had to find a venue for favorite Bible verse, LOL)

Berwick is the target. We'll see what transpires :o)

Anonymous said...

and Essex, and London x x x