Monday, March 02, 2009

a time to die

AIG is getting more taxpayer cash to keep their lead balloon afloat. According to AIG, if they go under it'll cause an economic shit storm so great that it'll make the great depression look like a square dance.
I have two words to say about that. BULL SHIT.

Who says we need a fat cat company like AIG, except, of course, AIG?

What actually WOULD happen if AIG went under?

Hmmmmm.... maybe lots of other capable insurance companies filling the vacuum, meeting peoples needs at a better cost. What's wrong with that? If you ask AIG, it's wrong because they won't get their gargantuan profits anymore.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of hearing how these fat, bloated, Vladimir Harkonnen wannabes try to convince us that we can't survive without their massive presence.
What bothers me, and it should also bother you, is the U.S. government is supposed to be the regulator, who is now in the dubious position of also being a partner with AIG, which means the U.S. government is competition to anyone in the same line of business as AIG.

Logic screams if what I just said is true, which it is, then what is the difference between big business and government? And if government sides with big business, as they have with AIG, Citibank, Deutschebank, the big three auto makers, Toyota, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Indy Mac, a shitload of parasites on Wall Street, and the state of California, it stands to reason you and me don't stand a fuckin' snowball's chance in hell. (sorry for the F word but you ARE getting F'ed by the Fed.)

Let me bring up a metaphor.

There's this forest with a giant White spruce tree that's been growing for 80 years. Spruce trees have a life expectancy of about 75 years before they fall, so this one has been living on borrowed time. It has grown so huge in it's lifetime that it's branches blot out the sun, preventing any trees to grow near it. Disease is setting in. Bugs have taken advantage of this old tree by nesting in its bark and making sawdust of it's bore. It's dying. Is there any reason to keep this tree going? It's not pivotal. There are many saplings that will benefit from this one tree breaking in half and letting in the light of day. Every living thing in this part of the forest will benefit from the death of this single, old tree.

If every old, diseased tree in our economic forest, i.e., the AIG tree, the Wall Street tree, The Chrysler tree, and the biggest, most diseased tree in the whole economic forest, the Federal Reserve tree, should drop dead, life and vitality will flourish on a scale humanity has not seen for thousands of years.

If you want to fix the economy, let these old bastards die and let some light in so the rest of us can grow.


Anonymous said...

Dear Karmasurfer:

Incredible is it not, that companies run by people who are apparently superior in some way to say you and I, are actually inferior in basic thinking skills and thus any effective and positive result.

But we could never get a job there cos we don't have the right and largely often meaningless papers to prove we are not the failures that they empirically are.

Timber! I says.

Colonel Neville.

Eowyn said...

I'm thinking the ~Federal Reserve Tree~ isn't a tree at all, but a vine -- like poison ivy, or Virginia creeper. Much more resilient. Much better able to fly under the Nature Radar than trees.

karmasurfer said...

Are you saying the Federal Reserve poison ivy vine is a never ending parasite that just keeps getting bigger and older and consuming more without any sense of restraint?

Oh god, how depressing.........