Friday, February 26, 2010

not enough to go around?

What you see to the left is a picture of copper at the sub micron level using an electron microscope.
You wouldn't think of metal as a crystalline substance, but there it is.

We were all taught that all the metals on this planet collected at various strata, depending on how heavy it was compared to the substances around it, soon after the Earth cooled. 

As I look at these geometric shapes, Bucky Fuller comes to mind, as well as geodesic domes, soccer balls, pentagons, and crystal gardens.

What also comes to mind is crystals grow and if copper is a crystalline substance then it stands to reason that copper grows, as well.  In other words, it's a renewable substance just like Christmas trees, mold, little green apples, and everything else on this planet.

Is it just me or does anyone else think if copper is a crystalline substance and if all crystalline substances grow, is it likely that other metals could also be renewable resources as well?  It kinda throws the whole scarcity thing right out the window, doesn't it?

Scarcity is the major tool used by the powers that be to ensure the elite 2% of humanity have it all.
The concept goes like this ... If there is not enough to go around, it stands to reason the elite should have the lions share while the masses get to fight over the table scraps.

This concept isn't just wrong, it's inhuman to stifle human growth just because the guys at the top want the whole ball of wax.  We're stuck in this fossil fuel consumption cycle because the Saudis buy the debt we rack up for our endless wars to keep the economy going in an endless downward spiral.  Besides, every single thing on this planet is renewable, including supermarket plastic bags and congressional manure.

Would we really be better off choosing paper over plastic or is it just an illusion? 

1 comment:

Eowyn said...

"Is it just me or does anyone else think if copper is a crystalline substance and if all crystalline substances grow, is it likely that other metals could also be renewable resources as well?"

The thing is, all crystalline substances grow differently.