Thursday, December 30, 2010

start walking

Humans are ok.  Sure, there are some real bastard pricks out there but, by and large, humans are pretty decent folk.  They invent and celebrate holidays, create beautiful art, sing, dance, make music, and are willing to help just about anyone if asked.

Humans are pretty much the same all over planet Earth but they have a major flaw.  They can't seem to tolerate other humans who aren't just like them and because of this intolerance no one can remember a time when we weren't at war with someone because we can't tolerate what they were doing.  Even the reasons for these wars are vague, at best.

Just today a thought came in my head on the way home.  I can tolerate anything but intolerance.  Then I began yelling at the asshole in front of me because he was breaking for the green light.

I'll make you a deal.  I'll work real hard to tolerate the guy breaking for the green light if you try just as hard to tolerate someone doing something that really bugs you.  If we could only tolerate and get along we might realize all our problems were never there in the first place. 

The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step and realizing the problem is the first step toward solving it.

I think we've got some walking to do.

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