Thursday, January 20, 2011

transition to the 4th dimension

The problem with living in a 3 dimensional universe is an abundance of boundaries designed to keep us contained.  Compared to the rest of the cosmos we're nothing but babies in our individual playpens, aware there's more but unable and unwilling to leave the cage.
The laws of physics are our playpen walls and our baby toys keep us happy and content.

Well, I'm not content with all these hindrances so I looked into what it would be like to live in the 4th dimension.  After all, that's where we're heading so I may as well research it.

Working on the premise that we all create our own realities and this reality of mine would be so much cooler if I didn't have these damn laws messin' up my shit.

A search on the internet got me a number of people trying to describe the 4th dimension by comparing it to the 2nd dimension, which is like explaining an airplane to a caveman by showing him a rock.  A number of semi-smart guys described the 4th dimension by comparing a 3D cube to a hyper-cube, which is nothing more than a regular 3D cube with extended angles.  Another expert figured that someone from the 4th dimension would be like a floating blob of organs, fluid, and vapor in a constant shift of transparencies.  It soon became apparent to me these guys are all irretrievably stuck in 3D land and can't imagine anything outside their carefully crafted playpens.

I figured I could do better so I climbed up my playpen wall and trained my eye to the horizon outside the window and reasoned a 4D world without restraints would have absolutely no boundaries.

Gravity, solid objects, time, space, climate control, growth, decay, and everything else that posed a problem is no longer in your way.  You'll have a physical body, if you want, but it's not necessary.  Earth will still be here, if you want, but there's a whole universe worth checking out.  You'll have time because time is no longer an issue.  You can see the big bang and the end of the universe before breakfast.  The vastness of space?  Go anywhere instantly.  Space suits?  What for?  You can picnic on the sun.  Can't think of any place to go outside of Earth?  You will.  You'll have unlimited information from the cosmic collective.  You'll be an immortal, non-corporeal, timeless being who can morph into anything and be everywhere at the same time.

And this is just 4D... climbing out of the playpen and entering adolescence.  Cosmic adulthood is when we get to 12D.

What do ya think that will be like?


Anonymous said...

your description sounds like what religious and agnostic people refer to as 'spirit', free of boundaries - not necessarily by choice, but certainly by death of the body - beginning at the end of the body's last exhalation. is that still thinking within the box?

karmasurfer said...

It seems to me, death is a one way ticket that presents a hell of a boundary. You can never come back.
That goes against what 4D is all about... Absolutely no boundaries.
I prefer a round trip ticket to see what it's all about and try to relate it to this existence. Santa and his elves live at the North Pole but you won't want a one way ticket there, would you?

I'd also like to point out the time and date you sent your comment. Aside from the 1:11, which really got my attention, the date and time all add up to 11.

Big changes on the horizon, Anonymous.


Anonymous said...

hindus and buddhists would say the spirit, or maybe call it the soul, does come back, into another body, by reincarnation. some people claim to remember past lives. maybe you want those journeys in and out, and also to remember them as one perpetual personality. i wasn't aware of the time of commenting, but if there are big changes coming that will be fine by me!

karmasurfer said...

There are some out there that have the ability to slip into 4D and back again with relative ease. I'm not interested in coming back as a newborn to do life in 3D again. At this point in time, I'd rather be a tourist in 4D instead of a permanent resident.

When you see 111 or 1111 it means subtle communication from someone in a higher dimension. When you see the sign, be aware of your thoughts and keep it positive. This is when doorways open and things happen.

Anonymous said...

thanks for that, i will keep it positive, i sure need a change for the better (or two or three)

i always enjoy your thought-provoking writing, though my perspective is quite different from yours, politically anyway

karmasurfer said...

Thanks for saying so, Anonymous. It's always nice to hear that my thoughts are appreciated and I'm effecting someone in a positive way. Don't worry about the politics. It's just another spectator sport.

Pay attention when March comes. I think there will be some big, positive changes coming your way.

The Canuck said...

"Do not lose hope in what the universe has placed you here to do."
- Darren L. Johnson