Wednesday, January 26, 2011

what's the difference?

Last night I listened to our fearless leader recite his carefully crafted state of the union address, in which he tells congress, the media, and the world population how his administration perceives a snapshot of the way things are, right now, in the United States and how it got here and where it's heading and who's steering the ship of state.  It's not just a great photo op.  It gives the prez the media center ring to try and convince everyone he actually does positive things, and it reminds everyone exactly why they put him in office in the first place.  It's like your car dealer calling you every two years to tell you what a great salesman he is.

As I listened to his talk, he said something that got my attention.

"We need to make America the best place to do business."

That's exactly what Dick Cheney said when he was VP in GW's first term.  That's republican talk, isn't it?  I mean, isn't that the mindset that got us all in this economic shit storm in the first place?  And since when are democrats concerned about Wall Street profits?  Democrats have always been for the working guy, unions, and the people who actually make things and republicans were for Wall Street, big business and the guy that hires you.    

The thought came to me that politics and sports are exactly the same.

Both are spectator oriented.
Both require spectator money to operate.
Both play one team against the other.
Both are taught at every level of education.
Both have a tier structure with increasing levels of exclusivity.
Members in the highest levels of both are selected by people we don't know.

Football, baseball, and basketball all had separate but equal major leagues that eventually merged into one entity running the show for that particular sport.  Now, each sport has one major league.

It appears as though the democratic party has been merged into the republican party for many years, with the republican party calling all the shots, including getting a democrat in the white house every now and then just to give the impression we still have a two party system.

And you thought you made a difference on November 2nd.



Sonja said...

Don't republicans rock??????
Rah Rah Rah!!!!!

karmasurfer said...

"Republicans rock" is about as contradictory as Cadillac sub-compact or Garth Brooks hip hop.

Just my opinion.