Last Wednesday morning I caught Obama on TV with his birth certificate and how he wished to put an end to the silliness and get on with more important issues. A few thoughts went through my mind as I caught a glimpse of the elusive long form birth certificate the prez fought so hard to suppress since the campaign trail.
Why would Obama release a birth certificate he spent close to a million dollars to keep secret? Even more interesting, why would he spend close to a million dollars to hide the single most important document that identifies who he is, only to get on TV half way through his term to show it to the world? Does this guy really feel the simple qualifications to be leader of the free world is silly? What little respect I had for this guy just dropped a few points and I had the feeling he didn't know what he was doing. He looked like an eighteen year old trying to pass a fake id to a bartender for drinks.
There was something familiar about this that looked like a third reel movie plot twist, just before the big car chase and pyrotechnics. The media reported the BC as the real deal, experts examined it and proved it as fake, and the question of BO's birth certificate came to an end when the royal wedding filled the news media for a few days, just in time for the main event.... The death of The Boogie Man, himself...
drum roll please....Osama bin Ladin!
No one tells the royals what to do so it stands to reason the timing of these events were designed to defuse the birth certificate fiasco and jack up Obama's approval rating for his run for a second term. This is live political theater at it's choreographed best, and just like live TV, there are lots of outtakes the mainstream media will clean up later. They can easily do it because sheeple believe everything they see on TV and don't remember the news when it first comes out. It's the first reports you need to pay attention to. This is the raw information from the original script before they edit the bloopers.
Let's see... SEAL Team 6 gave Osama a double tap head shot, took some pictures, and his body was dumped in the ocean to prevent his grave-site becoming a shrine. Of course, they HAD to bury his body that day so they wouldn't offend any Muslims.
Hasn't bin Laden been dead since December 2001? This is common knowledge in Washington and an accepted fact in the Middle East but it seems a lot of Americans aren't up on current events, as evidenced by the coast to coast cheers of the brain dead rabble over the assassination of a resurrected boogieman.
Bin Laden's voice was detected regularly until [14 December 2001] by intelligence operatives monitoring radio transmissions in Tora Bora, according to the Pentagon [
details]. Since then, nothing has been heard from the al-Qa'eda leader and President Bush has hinted in private that bin Laden's silence could mean he has been killed. [
Telegraph, 12/28/2001]
Ok, since bin Laden is now officially dead, I guess we can all relax. Maybe restore habeas corpus, bring the troops back from Iraq and Afghanistan, and get on airplanes without TSA sticking their hands down our pants. Yeah, dream on. Osama's buddies are planning a little payback for killing their leader and they have nuclear weapons buried all over the US, ready to detonate them at a time of their own choosing. We all know this as fact because the TV said so. The media also told us torture, or "enhanced interrogation", got us the information that finally led us to bin Laden's posh resort in Pakistan, surrounded by the Paki version of West Point.
Think about this... torture is now sanctioned as a reliable method of gathering information because we proved it's reliability in finding the guy that created terrorism and wrecked our economy. The same guy we had on ice for ten years, to pull out of the boogieman closet and shake in our faces for one last scare, to usher in a coup de grace to the last remnants of freedoms we're about to lose.
When I saw all those people cheering in front of the White House over the death of a human being, I was ashamed of humanity's lack of spiritual evolution. But then, it was staged by this administration, with the usual cast of extras and displayed by the mainstream media lapdogs, to show how to properly react when a pseudo president murders the bad guy in proxy.
Can't you see you're being played? This soap opera carnival theater is a setup designed to lead you to a place you don't want to go. This is much more than a president's plan to seek a second term. He's following a script written by people who know how to manipulate the masses towards a goal that only they want. And sure as shit, you won't like it when it gets here.
Well, I don't buy it and if you do you're fuckin hopeless.
Please, wake up or stop voting. You're just making a mess of things.