Friday, September 23, 2011

beauty and function

It seems my orgonite engineering has taken a different path.  What started out as an experiment involving cascading densities and how they relate to various shapes has morphed into an emerging art that blends form and function with aesthetics.  My previous devices, built for function, worked rather well and every attempt to make them more pleasing to the eye resulted in less power.  I came to believe beauty and function in orgonite were inversely proportional and since I was more interested in producing devices that worked better, my projects looked more like metaphysical military hardware.  It was the gradation of densities experiment that opened a clear, blank spot that begged to display something, like an empty diorama.  All I needed was a little imagination and a few tiny props to freeze a 3D moment in time. 

A thought occurred to me to make a miniature WTC, complete with planes in the towers and a tiny Bush and Cheney holding a banner saying Mission Accomplished, to celebrate the 911 ten year anniversary.  When a workmate suggested the banner should read We will rebuild, I realized the masses aren't ready for such a statement and quickly perished the thought and settled for something a little less politically incorrect.

But then, if you happen to think owning a chunk of orgonite containing a diorama of the twin towers with planes and fires with a miniature Dick and Bush to celebrate the 10th anniversary of 911 is really cool, I'll be more than happy to make one for you. ($39, payable in advance.)

This piece has gradually increasing densities from the top down with a cluster of clear quartz sitting on a disk of resin and powdered selenite.  The base has nine crystals in two layers pointing to the compass and mid compass points with a citrine crystal at the top.  The energy this succor produces is strong but has a subtle, calming effect on people that draws them like moths to a flame.  Not bad for a passive device and it's pretty, too.  Kinda reminds me of a shiny, red army tank.

I guess beauty and function CAN co-exist.


natural deodorant said...


Great information in this post and I think this post will helpful for us.

Eowyn said...

Sonja sez the last unit you gave her kept her up all night too many nights.

Tells me yer on the money still, even if yer not sure just how :)

Still ... beauty must have a role in function.

Think about it: The reason beauty exists is a harmonious relativity between form and function; that is, there are times that form may not match function, even be ugly, but still somehow fit;

But it makes sense that appearance and function match, resonating as they do to our (albeit limited!) instruments of ear, eye and cavities in general.

I always knew you were on the right track. Nice to see proof positive ... :)

Sue said...

Honey I love the one you made for me for my birthday,It was beautiful and still has the power within it.Keep it up ...

Anonymous said...

Hi ya T, I still have my pyramid one you made me many moons ago. miss you. x x x