Thursday, September 08, 2011

is monetary gain anathema to karma?

The lottery commission says you gotta play to win.  I figure when I decide to play, I intend to win.  There are a few problems I need to overcome if I intend to win the lottery.  For one, is asking for abundance of an abstract monetary concept like money within the laws of karma?  Will tons of cash provide better security than knowing you'll always have enough of what you'll need from a balanced karmic lifestyle?

Acknowledging such problems prove I'm still grounded to this archaic monetary construct that dictates life without sufficient hoarded wealth is risky at best.  Leg irons made of gold are still slave chains and they get heavy after a while. 

To believe and practice karma means you'll always have what you need and never be without.  To feel the need to acquire more wealth then you can possibly use implies you have more faith in our broken down, antiquated, economic system than you do for a time tested system that has flawlessly proven itself for untold thousands of years.

It appears the acquisition of wealth is anathema to the laws of karma.

So, how do you win the lottery if wealth accumulation is anathema to the laws of karma?  How can you use karma to give you an edge to win the lottery?

I think I have it figured out.  It's not enough to use winning the lottery as an intent, since money is an abstract and has no intrinsic value.  A proper intent might be the end result of what all this money could do.  For starters, I'll spend more time engineering and making orgnite and giving most of it to anyone who wants it, free of charge.  My lifestyle wouldn't change but a lot of people I know and don't know would benefit.  My reward would be the satisfaction knowing I'm doing something positive.

Just so you don't get the wrong idea, as it stands right now, I have all I need and feel comfortable with my lifestyle.  My needs are simple.  Some heating fuel, some gas for my car, a few bills paid and I'm good to go.  I'm no Rockefeller, and wouldn't want to be, but I'll admit a decent amount of ready cash would substantially increase my sense of security and make me a happier, more productive person.  Besides, this is only an experiment to test a theory, not for greed.  All winnings will be put into circulation to benefit others and everyone comes out ahead.  All I need is some additional support from people on my wavelength, who understand what I'm trying to accomplish.  By participating, you become part of the program and benefit from it's success.  It's a karmic thing.  Look it up.  It doesn't cost more than a slight change of perspective and the rewards are more than our present capitalist system can promise.  In fact, the present capitalistic system is broken.  Capitalism relies on ever increasing profits.  Karma relies on doing the right thing with a ten fold return.  Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you.  Cast your bread (money) upon the waters and receive it ten fold.  That's a concept I can grasp better than the IRS laws.  How about you?

So, here's the plan.  I want all of you to make an intention right now.  Close your eyes, empty your mind and when you reach that calm, alpha state of mind make the intention...

Karmasurfer wins the lottery.  Make it so.

Repeat as needed.

For those who grasp this idea, I salute you.  Those of you who refuse to make a simple intent because it might work and you can't stand to see someone else profiting from your efforts, your not paying attention.  It's simply to prove we can all manifest what we want and if I can do it, we all can do it.  Get it?  

Remember, this isn't just for my benefit.  We're all in this together.  Now, get those intentions going and let's make things happen.


JoAnn said...

LOL....I hope this works for you...the other side of PA....

Eowyn said...

Tut, tut. Never let yer own selfishness intrude. Ruins the karma from the get-go.

karmasurfer said...

en vino veritas, NOT!