Saturday, May 05, 2012

almost 5 months

I'm ashamed to admit I haven't made any orgonite since last December.  I had all kinds of excuses like it's too cold, not enough time, other projects on the burner, etc.  Truth be told, I felt I had some learning to do before I jump into making better orgonite using the same formulas and theories as before.  I was feeling like Sonny Rollins before he took his sax to the bridge.  Something was missing and I spend the last five months thinking about it.  Of course, I didn't spend all my time thinking about making better orgonite like some Michael Medved pondering the significance of cinema, but it was always in the back of my mind as I was working on colloidal silver and distillation theory.

I always knew the shape of orgonite was just as important as what it was made of, but it was OrgoniteAustin who suggested it was the edges and points that let the energy leak out like opening the barn door.
You see, orgone energy loves smooth bends and spirals but it's the bottom edge of the orgonite that releases the energy as much as the sharp point at the top.  This explains why a pyramid generates such a laser-like blast of energy out the top.  It seems the 51 degree slope of the great pyramid is the perfect shape for energy to emerge and travel up the edges to concentrate at the apex.

I wondered if an edge in orgonite would really make that much difference and decided to make a few pieces and see for myself.

Three objects, all made from the same material, different shapes.  Synthetic iron oxide and powdered aluminum in a 3/2 ratio with equal volumes of quartz sand and resin make these very dense and heavy.  The one on the left is edgeless with a round bottom and rounded cone.  The one on the right has rounded cones top and bottom with a sharp center edge.  The one in the center has a round bottom, smaller cone and razor sharp edge and looks like a Mexican hat.  Perfect for Cinco de Mayo.

As I was relaxing on the deck with my cerveza in one hand and the Mexican hat in the other, I felt a distinctive tingling beginning with my thumb and fingers.  A second later I could feel this tingle travel all the way up my arm.  It was a pleasant vibratey feeling and, knowing the tingle came from my non-cerveza, orgonite holding hand,  I realized this is some seriously kick ass orgonite. 

I did the same experiment with the other pieces but nothing came close to the vibratey tingle I got from this Mexican hat.  The energy seems to be concentrated at the hat peak and no matter how you hold this thing you can feel that tingle strongest at the top of the hat.  
What's more impressive is the fact that this piece is one third the mass of the other two with ten times the energy level.

It's definitely the shape, and as OrgoniteAustin pointed out, the edge puts out the most power.  So, why is the peak concentrating the energy, you say?

Damned if I know, except maybe the round bottom acts as a parabolic dish directing the energy away from it.  It might be that edges are exits and round contains and the cone simply guides the energy to the peak.

And to think I was going to recast this because I didn't like the look of it.

So much for aesthetics.


1 comment:

Cheap Wood Sculptures said...

Wonderfully crisp and always interesting!