Wednesday, August 15, 2012

unmentioned recaps

Just because I haven't made a post since June doesn't mean nothing's going on.  Quite the opposite, things are happening so fast and furious that by the time I get half way through a rant it's already last week's news and my attention switches tracks to more noteworthy information that becomes less noteworthy when another tangent comes to light.

To abbreviate a few unmentioned recaps...

The Fourth of July party was storm-free thanks to the cloudbuster.
Powdered metals and crystals make better orgonite.
The Colorado Batman movie massacre was a black ops exercise.
The Caravan's back on the road with phenomenal gas mileage.
Joe Paterno  becomes non-existent.
Politics, sports, and the Olympics are diversions for the masses.
Major news events are scripted fictions for mass mind control.
Politically Correct is a law-of-the-land oxymoron.
The United States of America is the name of a British owned corporation.
Racism is a tool.
Wheat is slow poison for humans.
You'll earn your bread by the sweat of your brow.
Wonder Bread is the Soylent Green of our collective reality.
Gluten, glutton, gluttony, sounds like one of the seven deadly sins.
Oil is a renewable resource.
The future aint what it used to be.
The chemtrail war is over.
Vagal stimulation is as effective as LSD.
Men no longer wear hats.
Early baptism was water-boarding.
The power grid is failing.
People are waking up exponentially and need direction.
Making vodka and rum is faster and easier than making wine or beer.
The masses.
Da masses.
Duh masses.
Dumb asses.
Will and imagination are all that's required to manifest reality.
Baptism, crucifixion, and water-boarding produce the same results.
Don't re-elect anybody.
The english language is a mind control tool.
The laws of physics are guidelines.
The duality nature of man is a construct designed to divide us against ourselves.
It's not just you.  We're all changing and we're all in this together. 

Did I miss anything?



Anonymous said...

Hi from Germany, Karma!
Nice to read from you once again.
I already feared you drowned in your DIY-still... *g*
As for your list: Could not sum it up any better; especially the part about the Olympics ("classical games of the hecatombe" = mass grave / human sacrifice) and the baptism-stuff. Not owning a t.v.-set any more, it was quite easy to convince myself that there weren't any games taking place at all. "Deny ignorance with media-ignorance"; sort of strategy...
I hope you will post some new pics or experiences concerning your Orgon-creations in the near future!? Always glad to read which concepts / forms could improve the POR-output.

Best regards and keep it rollin',

Mr. A.

karmasurfer said...

Thanks for your kind words, A.

I was beginning to wonder if anyone was paying attention to the Logan's Run existence we're morphing into. Even salty curmudgeons require a little external validation from time to time. Seems you restored my faith in humanity. (hat tip)

I have a few ongoing orgone projects on the bench and now is as good a time as any to post them.
Thanks for the nudge.

It's always rollin, man.
Fast or slow up hills or down.

I'm addicted to watching
those wheels go round and round.

Anonymous said...

Hi there again, Karma!
Thank you for your reply...
There'd be many things on your little list I'd wish to add; like Merkel turning Germany in a slave labour-state, people not caring anymore what's going on in their surroundings, etc. ...
"Logan's Run" you say? Rather think of "Night of the living dead"-style of behaviour being horridly rampant these days.
90 percent of all people running around in some kind of trance...the younger folks just staring on the screens of their little blinking gagdets.
When I have no orgonite ready to gift (or when I am fed up explaining that stuff to the "zombies" and being the "alien" for doing so), I still practice those random acts of kindness to strangers, e.g. gifting just some quartz-crystals, helping out people in the supermarket, holding the door for folks, having a chat with the beggar on the street corner, small stuff like that, just in order to focefully shake them out of their hypnotized state of being.
Lots of fun observing their "oh I just woke up"-like, surprised / flabbergasted reactions every time, believe me! *g*

So, why bothering with all that negative stuff on these internal mind-lists all too much anyway?!
I have them too (these hate-lists) and I do not say to ignore all that frecked-out shit going on around the world; its rather about trying to keep my own fragile emotional balance, I guess.
Sometimes its quite hard not to turn into a cynical misanthrope or wanting to go postal, if you care too much about stuff you can't change nothing about...

Regarding orgone: Damn right, summertime is about to end soon; and fall in Germany is almost too cold for pouring; have to kick myself in the wazoo and to repeat the mantra: "Must make more orgonite again!"

Well, it's weekend, hopefully I get some Reichian alchemical work done til next monday...

Very best regards and greetings from the most german country in the world... *g*

Mr. A.

P.S.: Sorry if this was a double-post; something in my browser seems to be messed up.

karmasurfer said...

Hey A,

I found a lot of these zombies are pretty much on the ball when you talk to them about what's really going on. The rest are just extras in the movie, too shell shocked to realize anything but their own blissful hopelessness.

That's when you do some guerrilla gifting and wake them up whether they want to or not.

Make a few TBs with a magnet at the base to stick to the underside of random cars. Make a few pretty ones and leave them on sidewalks where someone will pick them up and take them home. Drop some big HHGs in rivers and streams. Give one to the homeless guy, along with some beer and a pretzel. Every time he'll look at that chunk of orgonite he'll associate it with comfort and a restored faith in the milk of human kindness. Talk about the gift that keeps on giving.

I wouldn't worry about the cold when making orgonite. Just add more catalyst. Some of my best work comes from frozen fingers.

Yeah man, the whole world is going crazy and it's all part of the plan to keep us frustrated and off balance in a constant state of low key trauma to keep us dumb enough to control.

Guess what? It aint workin! Thanks to guys like you, people are waking up exponentially and the mad men running the show are losing their grip.

That's cause to celebrate.

Do me a favor and slam a few liters for me.