Monday, September 12, 2016

weekend at hillary's

Whether I like it or not, I talk to lots of people throughout the day.  It's usually the typical bullshit, meaningless banter about weather and the economy but sooner or later I ask if they are a Hillary supporter.  More often then not I get dirty looks and tirades about Trump and how he's going to win by a landslide.  But every now and then I get to talk to some real, honest to goodness, low information voters who can't wait til November is over so they can get back to life without Hillary or Trump as the main topic and won't make up their minds until they step into the voting booth.  That's when I realized we should have a third political party.  The Stupid party, for all the American voters too stupid to vote for one of the two presidential candidates that will win.  We already have that in Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, but the stupid people are too stupid to realize it.  Maybe it's their single digit numbers that bother the stupid people and make them think if they vote for any of these losers their vote won't count.  Well, maybe they're not as stupid as they think they are.

Let's look at Gary Johnson.  He's running on the Libertarian ticket, has single digits in the poles, wants TPP, a carbon tax, gun control, thinks Hillary is a fine lady, wants open borders, and gets pissed off when you call undocumented workers as illegals.  Gary Johnson is no libertarian but he's a fuckin idiot.

Jill Stein, Green party.  What's she for?  She likes gun control and vaccinations, thinks Obamacare is a step toward single payer, wants to bring home the troops and disarm N. Korea, thinks the PATRIOT Act and N.D.A.A should be repealed.  Most importantly, she's a woman.  Vagina number 2 for the oval office with single digit numbers in the poles.  

Everyone on the planet knows Gary and Jill don't stand a chance.  They were put there to draw votes from the Bernie crowd and the undecided, uninformed, low information, low intelligence, television programmed sheep to give the illusion of choice while the Hillary people stuff the ballet boxes with votes from dead people and illegal (undocumented) immigrants so their electronic ballet manipulation won't look so obvious.

Look at it this way... When making wine, the fruit flies come from nowhere to feed and contaminate the fruit juice as it ferments.  Setting a small jar of vinegar and a few other ingredients near the ferment barrel will attract and capture the fruit flies and keep them away from your ferment.  Gary and Jill are the vinegar solution in this presidential race and stand the same chance as a pair of fruit fly traps in a winery producing choice wine.

Which leaves Hillary and Trump as the heavyweights in this contest. This looks more like A Weekend at Bernie’s than a race to the White House. 

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