Anyone see the second debate? If you happened to see it, you wouldn't be questioning what the second debate was. It would be drilled into your grey matter like the shot heard round the world.
For those who haven't seen it, I'll give a brief summation.
Trump kicked Hillary's ass. He eviscerated her. He gutted her like a pig. He cut her off at the knees, disembowelled her, and dragged her dead corpse around the stage like Achilles dragged Hector around Troy. To the Trump supporters, it was sweeter than Yoo Hoo. To Hillary's people, it was like getting ass fucked by a gorilla. To the mainstream media, Trump got a modest win, just enough to keep him in the race.
Modest win my ass! Trump outed Bill Clinton as a serial rapist and Hillary as his enabler. He invited five of Bill's rape victims to the debate with a front row seat. Solid proof he's not a controlled opposition NWO puppet to give Hillary the win. The look on Bill's face was priceless. This was the look of fear, defeat, and humiliation.
So, what brought on this vicious attack from Trump? It was a direct result of Hillary and the moderators taking turns attacking Trump based on a recorded, private conversation between Billy Bush and Trump eleven years ago. Trump was talking, one on one, about how bimbos are so attracted to rich, successful, and powerful men that you can do almost anything without complaint, including kissing them and grabbing their pussies.
To most normal people this is just locker room talk between guys. To the rich and famous, this is an occupational hazard. Very few men are equipped to fight off the hoards of gold digging whores the rich and famous put up with on a daily basis. A guy working at Home Depot wants to get laid just as much as a rock star but whores don't care about lumber. But as soon as he wins the lottery, the whores come out of the woodwork, faces painted, skirts on, ready to jump on his dick right in front of his wife. Ask Tiger Woods about his gold digging ex-wife who got a quarter of a billion dollars in settlements because Tiger succumbed to the temptation of another gold digging whore. We're talking about whores, people. Their everywhere and they can ruin your life in seven minutes or less.
When Trump was talking to Billy about grabbing women he wasn't talking about women in general but a sub-class of women who find this kind of behaviour not only acceptable but encouraged, as long as it's from a rich and famous male.
Trump is the epitome of an alpha male. Rich, successful, famous, and self confident. He spent his whole life navigating through mine fields of gold digging whores. His conversation with Billy Bush was nothing more than a brief, matter of fact explanation of the epidemic of gold digging whores who are attracted to guys like Trump, using sex as a weapon to trap their prey.
To Trump, gold digging whores are just as much an occupational hazard as sugary sweets are to beauty queens and super models. Ya think the most beautiful women on the planet are attracted to Henry Kissinger? Bill Clinton had sex with thousands of bimbos with only a handful who took offence. Even Arnold got chopped in half by his gold digging maid. How can anyone judge what it's like to be tempted at that level? The fact that Trump managed to avoid the constant onslaught of high level gold digging whores and avoid going to the cleaners, like so many other men who lost everything, tells me he's a better man than anyone I ever knew. Now, this is something the MSN and high level pundits will never touch on. By all accounts, Trump is the winner.
Ya hear that Anderson Cooper?