Saturday, October 08, 2016

the undecided

Ok, so the dems and reps launched their debates to sway the undecided to their ranks. 

The undecided... Oh God.  If there was ever a more wishy washy group of true deplorables, it's the undecided.  This is that group of assholes who are determined to vote but can't decide who to vote for.  After a year of in-your-face campaigning from Trump and Hillary, this group of low information cretins still haven't made up their minds as to who would make the better president, despite their determination to vote for somebody, whoever that may be.

After the vice presidential debate I saw a video of a focus group discussion made up entirely of undecided voters.  Five minutes into this discussion I wanted to beat to death every undecided retard in this focus group with the heal of my shoe.  And I'll bet I could beat to death each and every low information voter, one at a time, as they docilly wait their turn and watch in horror as the person to their left gets their foreheads beaten to a pulp with a wingtip heel.  These are the people deciding our fate.  Half wits, accepting their fates as a crazed lunatic beats them to death with a shoe for the unforgivable crime of spending too much time choosing a side.

God help us all.  

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