Wednesday, November 16, 2016

who's in charge here?

The other day, I was sitting on a bench outside the mall when a woman approached me.  She addressed me by name and said we last saw each other at this very same place two years ago and we talked about parallel worlds.  She didn't have to jog my memory.  I remember the encounter very well.  We discussed how litter was increasing exponentially in the last ten years, proportional to the influx of South American immigrants and how quantum jumps may be part of the equation.  As we talked, she whipped out a notebook and jotted things down.  It just so happened she was researching a story for the local newspaper she worked for and was intrigued by the quantum theory angle and wanted to do a story on me.

Sure enough, when the paper came out she gave me full credit for my other worlds theory of litter accumulation.

Anyway, two years later, she tells me she wants to continue the discussion about parallel universes.  I smiled and said sure and asked what she was up to lately, as she inched her way closer to my bench.  You know, small talk before the heavy stuff. 

That's when she went off on how she and a few million people signed a petition to kick Trump out of office and they'll do it legally and swiftly and he'll be gone by January 1st and Hillary will become the president.  She went off on how Trump was a racist and bigot and hated women and grabbed women in the crotch and how he is a criminal who doesn't deserve to to hold any office, let alone the leader of the free world.

I just looked at her as she figuratively stomped to death our most recent president-elect with her high heels as she continued her non-critical thinking rant.
In my calmest demeaner, I said, "I don't know what you're talking about.  I thought Hillary was the criminal."

I wasn't expecting a rational discussion but what I got was a rather loud psychotic reaction that involved pacing, stomping, and lots of yelling about how horrible I was to vote for such an immoral bastard such as Trump.
As she turned and walked away I asked if she still wanted to talk about quantum theory.  She turned and said she will never talk to me about anything because of the horrible things I just said, and walked away in a huff.

She's not the only Trump hater I met without an inkling of rational thought as to why Clinton is good and Trump is bad.  I tend to think they don't know why, either.  They all seem to yell and hold signs and block traffic in cities during rush hour like a generation of inarticulate, verbal zombies.  Sounds like group mind control.  Now, how could anyone pull off a generational mind control program without detection?

I looked into American education 1980, as a good place to start, based on the age spread of the protesters.  It was May 1980 when the Department of Education took over the nation's school system with a new approach to educating our youth from the ground up, to become productive and obedient citizens.  Emphasis on obedience because the federal government remembers the chaos of the Vietnam era when revolution filled the air, Washington lost control, and America lost its first war.

The Jesuits had a saying... "Give me the child for the first seven years and I'll give you the man."

The question I have is, did a whole generation of obedient citizens suddenly decide to become disobedient and riot in the streets or did some authority order it?

I don't recall Obama or Hillary asking their minions to stop throwing hissy fits.

Who's controlling who?





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