Thursday, November 17, 2016

trump is a racist

I received this from a friend of mine.  Something worth sharing.

The controlled press functions as the voice of the Establishment. The Establishment wants you to believe certain things, accept certain things as truth. They are against Donald Trump. Solidly against him. So they set the reporters and the talking heads to say bad things about him. They accuse him of various things. Often, he's accused of being a racist.
These Establishment mouthpieces assume a position on high moral ground and proceed to attack Donald Trump for being a racist. The evidence they present is pretty vague. It would not stand up in court. But, they control the narrative. They're the media. He's just one person. They can shout him down and trot out other paid clowns to say the same thing.
It's very hard, impossible really, to prove a negative. They can accuse him of being a racist or anything else and there's no defense for that. He can't prove he's not a racist. He can't prove he doesn't communicate with little green men from the planet Mopar. They haven't accused him of that so far.
The plan is to put him on the defensive and make him spend his time trying to convince people that he's not a racist. That way the Establishment controls the narrative and proving a negative is impossible. He's too smart for them, and that's a plus for our side. He may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night. So we have to ask the question:
Do these drifty delinquents from the Establishment have a valid claim to the moral high ground? Let's start by defining "racist". The nice folks over at Oxford, where dictionary is their middle name, give us this definition:
  • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior: 
That seems pretty clear. Let's look around and see if we can find some of those dirty "racists". Notice when the Establishment uses that word, it sounds like a dirty word. The ultimate put-down.
Didn't have to look far. It's in the bible. Yep! That book those Steeple People use to condemn racists. They're the ones who'll tell you that the jews are "God's Chosen People". If that ain't racism, I'll kiss your butt on the courthouse steps and give you six weeks to draw a crowd.
On the world stage, look at how the Israelis treat the Palestinians. As less than people, really. Horrid folks, those Palestinians, is their attitude. They've built walls to keep them out of Israel. Sort of like the wall President Trump wants to build on the southern border, which is very similar to the one Mexico built on their southern border. But I digress. Israel burns and shoots Palestinians and steals their land. And if that's not a racist attitude, the offer on the courthouse steps is still open.
Oy vey! Let's not just talk about the jews. How about we talk about them black folks? Some of the descendants of cotton pickers behave like racists. BLM, for example. They spray paint "kill whitey" on whatever flat surface is available. They have a plan and they know what they want. They refuse to accept the outcome of the election and have promised to demonstrate - read, disrupt - the inauguration. Do they think they're better than white folks? That's how they behave, anyway.
It's not a long jump from racial predjudice to religious predjudice. And Holy Cow! That's what much of history is about. The history of the Catholic Church's action against heretics of their own race and genocide against other races is way too long to go into here. It is enough to say that Christianity in all its forms of manifestation did not achieve its powerful position on the strength of its arguments. Their power came by way of the sword. The Islamists do horrible things to people. The Christian Church may have been their teacher.
Ah, yes. The Islamists. They've been at war with each other for centuries. Centuries! The West inserted itself into that region with the first world war, and then again with the second world war. The oil companies had to have their cheap oil, and Israel - we're back to them again - had to have a homeland. So the jews inserted themselves into a region that was already full of religious strife and now the Middle East has to deal with a tribe who doesn't get along with any race. They don't have to. They're God's Chosen People. But it isn't that simple. Seems that there are at least two flavors of jews and, you guessed it, the majority discriminates against the minority. You don't hear much about that from the controlled media. Maybe it's because the media is either owned by or controlled by jews. Ya' think?
Racists. Start looking, and you'll find them everywhere. I remember reading years ago that the Japanese used to look down on Koreans and say that Koreans are proof that monkeys mated with humans.
If you stood a Saudi next to someone from Yemen, could you tell them apart? Maybe if they were dressed differently. But really, all them brown folks from the Middle East look alike, at least to me. Ah! But they know who they are! And so the Saudis are making war on tiny little Yemen. Is it based on race or religion? Or did the Saudis just feel boisterous one day and decide to bomb Yemen? They make war on Yemen and along comes Iran as an ally of Yemen. Saudi Arabia and Iran don't get along. If you were around in the Reagan years, you'll remember their war. Race war? Maybe. Iranians are not Arabs. They're Persians.
Have I made my point? You can denounce it from the highest mountain if you are moved to do so, but the fact is that racism is pretty much a human trait. So the next time some paid shill for the controlled media wags his finger at Donald Trump and calls him a racist, you can just look at that clod and nod in agreement. "Yep. He's a racist. Just like everybody else."
Except that in his case, he probably isn't!! Take a look at those closest to him and judge for yourself. And then you may wonder to yourself what other lies have they told about him?

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