Friday, December 02, 2016

frontier phone company sucks

My internet went down two weeks ago and it took that long for the phone company to send someone out to fix it.  Intolerable, for sure, but this is the world we created and we have to live with it.

For the record, my internet/phone company is Frontier.  Let me say that again.  FRONTIER, the worst phone company in North America.

A few decades ago, if your electric or phone or internet went out you could expect the service to be corrected within hours, a day at the most.  Today, in our Jetson future society, we can expect a service call anywhere between 8 am and the moment of our death, with a service charge added to the monthly bill... with an appointment two weeks into the future.

When the phone guy finally did show up, I noticed he awkwardly used his cell phone to get the codes for the new modem.  Now, this is a phone company technician that came to restore the DSL internet service the phone company provides.  It's a land line.  That's all this company deals with.  Land lines and DSL service that goes through the land lines.  He's using a competitive service to service his company's customers.  I mean, this is like Pepsi on a Coke truck. 

I asked him why he's not using a laptop, or at least a tablet for this kind of work, and he said the company took all their laptops away at the beginning of the month to cut costs and want all the phone techs to use phones instead.  He also said the last job he was on took 5 hours and he could have done it in half that time if he had his lap top instead of this crappy phone that takes forever to type into because of the tiny virtual keypad that his technician fingers can't cleanly hit.

I couldn't fire into this guy about the two week wait, after a pitiful story like that.  If he was armed with a laptop and attitude I'd blast that sonofabitch for depriving me of internet service for two weeks just because he had a vacation coming, or some such shit.  But this guy was just like me... Working for a cheap company, run by bean counters who never worked in the field, dictating how things should be.

And being without internet for two weeks had me hot enough to take a tire iron to the phone guy... just as soon as he fixed my internet problem.  But I couldn't.  He was just like the rest of us that are still working.  Doing three times the work for the same pay because our respective companies use our work ethics against us, for no other reason but increasing their bottom line.  We're slaves to our respective systems and slaves don't kill slaves.  They got us by our collective, ideological balls.

That's why I made arrangements to switch the internet to cable and save $65 a month. 

Let's hope I don't have to switch to satellite for the same reason.

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