Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Is there nothing sacred?

If there's one thing I can't stand is yo momma jokes. How anyone can denigrate someone else's mother, that icon of womanhood, that beacon of care and compassion, that bastion of comfort and saintliness. It sickens me to hear such insults to the sanctified state of motherhood.

Here's 21 of them.

1. Yo momma's so fat she's on both sides of the family.
2. Yo momma's so fat the only thing attracted to her is gravity.
3. Yo momma's so fat she has to iron her pants in the driveway.
4. Yo momma's so fat when she bends over we lose an hour of daylight.
5. Yo momma's so fat when she bungee jumps she goes straight to hell.
6. Yo momma's so fat every time she walks in high heels she strikes oil.
7. Yo momma's so fat when she goes to the zoo elephants throw her peanuts.
8. Yo momma's so fat when she goes to an all you can eat buffet they have to install speed bumps.
9. Yo momma's so fat the National Weather Agency assigns names to her farts.
10. Yo momma's so fat she influences the tides.
11. Yo momma's so fat she has shock absorbers on her toilet seat.
12. Yo momma's so fat I had to ride a bus and 2 trains to get on her good side.
13. Yo momma's so fat she's got smaller fat women orbiting around her.
15. Yo momma's so fat her belt size is equator.
16. Yo momma's so fat even her clothes have stretch marks.
17. Yo momma's so stupid when she hears it's chilly outside she gets a bowl.
18. Yo momma's so stupid she took the Pepsi challenge and chose Jiff.
19. Yo momma's so ugly the beautician took 12 hrs... for a quote.
20. Yo momma's so stupid she put lipstick on her forehead to make up her mind.
21. Yo momma's so ugly Bigfoot took her picture.

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