Tuesday, August 07, 2007

little feet prints

Greenhouse gases, carbon footprints, global warming, and the latest term, planet change, just to cover their bases, are the planetary buzzwords du jour. What a load of crap. It used to be funny listening to these tofu-eating, owl-worshiping, vegan whores of sensibility prattle on about the righteousness of Sheryl "Two-squares" Crow, Al "An inconvenient truth" Bore and the rest of their ilk about how people are responsible for the Earths problems and how not smoking and driving hybrid cars will save the planet.

I remember a local college prof who was on this bandwagon decades ago, when we were all sure it was global cooling, who not only talked the talk but walked the walk with a single light bulb in his small apartment for illumination, dressed in layers and gave up his car.

When Sheryl and Al decide to walk the walk and start carpooling is when I might consider the possibility of listening to them without laughing.

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