Tuesday, May 06, 2008

gas for a buck and a half

It seems we have enough oil in Alaska to supply the U.S. with all it's petroleum needs for about $1.50 a gallon for at least 200 years. The largest mother lode of crude on the planet... and we'll never tap into it. The reasoning is if we dump cheap oil on the market the whole U.S. economy will die from 75 years of unbridled debt that the Saudis have agreed to burden so long as we buy all our oil from them.

So, where does all this debt come from? How about borrowing all our currency from The Federal Reserve, which we have to pay back plus interest, that the fed prints out of thin air knowing from the start that paying off this debt is mathematically impossible, among other stupid ideas that are just now coming to a head like a festering boil on the face of a much loved friend? Oil has been the world currency since the early 60's and its artificial balance of supply and demand keeps the wheels of commerce greased just enough to make us all paycheck slaves forever.

Some facts:
Washington bureaucrats won't give up the Fed. Gas prices will keep going up. Food prices will keep going up. Wages will remain stagnant. Unemployment will rise. Stocks will go down. Consumer spending will drop. More foreclosures next year than last. Iran promises to dump cheap oil on the market backed by the euro and there aint enough American soldiers willing to invade Iran to stop them.

I wonder what would happen if the economy collapsed because enough cheap oil was injected on the market to bring the gas price to around $1.50 a gallon? Whatever scenario you can imagine, it would be far worse for the power brokers and money changers than for the bottom feeders in our great society. The guys at the top of the food chain would eventually fall back to isolated estates protected by private armies while the unwashed masses revert to either serfs at the feet of their lords and masters or wake up from their collective comas and exact some payback on these bastards that fucked everything up so bad with a little proletariat justice with some guts behind it.

We're teetering on the brink of economic disaster and all I can think is BRING IT ON BABY!


Eowyn said...

I say, let's don black outfits, daub our faces with football-player anti-sun stuff, load up the orgonite spud launchers and pay a little friendly visit to the little compounds of the rich and famous.

Someday they'll thank us. Especially after we grant them the privilege of having a choice between being our indentured servants, or turning them loose to the howling mob.

Works for me ;)

karmasurfer said...

You can't train a parasite to shine your shoes and you can't make friends with a cancer.
Kill em all and be done with it.