Tuesday, May 30, 2017

after the rum

As promised, I ran the rum and although it came out pretty good, I'm just a little more impressed with the way these greens are coming up.

Believe it or not, I've been harvesting from this system for weeks and it just keeps on growing.  Compared to the lettuce in a pot that I used as a control, these things dwarf them by 100%  I had no choice but to put the control group in the garden to share company with the ordinary plants.  I think it's time I plucked the big ones and start some new seedlings.  Hell, the season just started and I'm just now getting up to speed. 

One thing I noticed in one of the raised beds was the Jerusalem artichokes.  Bugs don't bother them, rabbits don't nibble them, and weather changes don't effect them in the least.  They just keep growing and they do it better than any other cultivated plant.  Probably because Jerusalem artichokes are used to growing in roadside ditches and places full of other weeds and really crappy soil.  Give them a decent environment and they thrive better than any "cultivated" flora.  They're weeds but they're damn tasty weeds and you can't find them in the supermarkets.  Only roadside ditches and my raised bed.   When was the last time you saw weeds with a bug problem?  They seem to repel bugs and rodents as nature's way to keep the species going.  I wish someone would teach this trick to eggplant.

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