Saturday, December 15, 2018

the new colonialism

When you get tired of driving through the weeds and fighting shadows and find yourself not up to the onslaught of being called bigot or racist or misogynist or snowflake or soyboy anymore, there's a glimmer of hope I'd like to share with you.

I ran into this Youtube channel called Amazing Polly.  You need to look into it.  This girl gave me some answers to some long sought questions I had about why things are like they are and where we're headed.  She has done her homework and gave us something to examine that explains the state of affairs we are now in and how we got here.  The first step in finding an answer is to understand the question.  Polly put the spotlight on it better than anyone else.  And trust me, I've been looking.

This video is just short of 38 minutes but it won't be a waste of your time. I promise.

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