Thursday, October 09, 2008

winter forcast '08

While walking through the meadow looking for firewood, I happened to see this years hornets nest, nestled in a wild rose bush about 4' above the ground. You may recall last October 4th I found a hornets nest 9' above the ground and the year before that the nests were in the attic eves.

I learned a long time ago that the distance from the ground the hornets choose to build their nest is directly related to the amount of snowfall for the winter season.

Some of you may remember the snow storm of February '07 when most of the highways around here came to a stop, leaving travelers in their cars until they ran out of gas, as predicted accurately October '06 when I saw the hornets nests in the attic eves.

Last year, when the nest was nine feet up a spruce tree, we had a rather mild winter. Not much snow and the temp never made it to single digits for very long.

This years hornets nest promises even less snowfall and a rather mild season. Or at least as mild as winter can get around here.

I wonder if the size of the nest means anything?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that the size of the Rod is the size of the curl, now this is related to Permenant Waves. I hope the information helps you out.
love from planet wack