Thursday, July 06, 2017

orgone mini-wand

The inspiration came to me to make a small power device.  I wouldn't call it a wand but it's a rather powerful device, just the same.

The construction is simple... A 5" copper pipe with a citrine in one end and a quartz in the other.  The inside has two SP crystals pointing out, sand, key dust, and resin.  That's it.  Almost too basic to work.

Later that night, we got to playing with this cylinder with different combinations of pyramids, tensor generators, and crystals.  Some worked better than others but none of these combinations impressed me.  Even wrapping it in a mobius coil and feeding it frequency left me flat.  I got better results from the simple orgonite I made, so I treated it like a piece of orgonite and put it under my bed to see if it would affect my dreams.

That night was the best sleep I've had in months and I woke the next morning fully awake at 5am with thoughts of a new pipe design that included lapis in the center.  For three nights I slept with this pipe under the bed giving me the most outrageous orgone enhanced dreams about aliens and men in black and endlessly discussing something that would repeat a hundred times a night.  My deep REM sleep was starting to get exhausting from all the night time activity.  I removed the cylinder before bed last night and my sleep returned to normal.  At least I know this thing has some wicked, hidden power behind it.

I keep going back to that first time and the idea for a larger one with lapis.  Maybe this unit is just a primer for the wand I haven't made yet.  If this small pipe has such dramatic effects, what do you suppose a larger one with five times the volume would do?

I'll keep ya posted.     

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