The shape was necessary in order to contain the three rather large crystals without going overboard on orgonite. I chose a cone over a pyramid shape because I wanted an even, healthy energy as opposed to the nuclear feel from a pyramid. I didn't want my energy levels keeping me up all night so I used a large selenite, kyanite and an equally large quartz crystal as the engines and wound counter-clockwise coils around the lot followed by 4 smaller crystals near the base on each one. As I customarily do, I placed this device under the bed to see what would happen. The result was most impressive. I slept like a log and woke up the next morning hitting the ground running with more energy than I've had in a month. Just as interesting was the complete absence of back pain, even though I haven't seen my chiropractor in a month.
One side note...
It's believed that the crystals ramp up the orgonite to better transmute dangerous orgone into positive orgone. I think it may be the other way around. I believe the orgonite ramps up the effects of the crystals allowing the crystals to deliver a faster, stronger punch. More testing is definitely needed and I think I know where I can get an unsuspecting subject.
LOL @ Madonna etc. references *s* ...
It is at this point I must demur. Thus far, in your sharing, it has been "I have done this" or "I have done that."
As any scientist knows, you can't base a truth on just yourself. Sooner or later, you must test things on others. And at some point it must be admitted that you have had help.
No man is an island, after all ... :o)
I trust that at some point, you'll be true. Cuz, I'm not keen about keeping the faith here, without acknowledgement.
The Muse ... remember?
Let me get this straight. You want acknowledgement for your help on the Madonna cones. Ok. For which parts shall I grant you a few accolades? Was it the initial conception when it was decided which crystals should be used and in what formation? Was it for your help in deciding which shape to go with i.e. pyramid, orb, cone, cube? Perhaps it was your insight on an elongated cone which resulted in a scavenger hunt, settling on a pair of cemetery flower stands that should be recognized? Maybe it was the resin mixture. You must've telepathically sent me instructions on the perfect mix. I know... it was when you opened the door so I can carry them into the house after the pour.
How can I be so thoughtless...
Thank you for opening the door. I couldn't have done it without you.
I'd like to point out that you, of all people, should realize I DO test these things on others. I'd also like to point out that this latest project, from start to finish, was conceptualized and built by only one person.
I'll gladly give credit where credit is due but that doesn't apply in this case.
Well, for one thing, the idea of using components was mine ... for another, often urging you to consult the pendulum, with good results ... I don't hsve a "scoreboard," but those are two that come to mind. As your sounding board, I'm always ready, willing and able. And sometimes, now and then, I contribute in meaningful ways.
Plus, never meant to imply you weren't testing -- it was more that while you're doing the right thing by testing, to me, it's the wrong thing not to acknowledge valuable input (and to me, just a little personally hurtful). That's all.
I'll grant you that being a good sounding board is extremely helpful. For that you excel in spades.
I must point out that engineering and building components was my idea, to overcome volume limitations. Suggesting using a pendulum is tantamount to saying "ask someone else", or "look it up".
In all fairness, some of my best teachers pointed to a stack of books and encouraged me to "look it up", and I learned more from looking in those books rather than a few one-liners from teachers who couldn't teach.
I guess that makes you a good teacher, something I tend to overlook at times. Sorry.
When the student is ready the teacher will appear.
Actually, to me, the pendulum is not so much a Magic 8 Ball or encyclopedia as a way to confirm or dismiss the original instinct -- a check and balance.
I guess I've been pretty childish, insisting on getting "attention." I'm sorry for that.
You know what? Life's too short -- and I love ya too much -- to quibble about minutiae. It's the grandest adventure and the thrill of my life to be helping you with these explorations. I don't mind a bit being "the help." I'd never gain near the insight and knowledge you're getting with each new thing you make. I'm prouder of you than I can ever say.
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