Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Stump. Charlton Heston put his vest on

Lights, camel, action!
The omega man died yesterday and this tune ran through my head all day. Thanks Chuck. We'll miss ya.


Anonymous said...

I say good fucking riddance. Chalton Heston was an idiot that perpetrated all that is wrong with society and people's thought processes. I mean come on, what an asshole to organize a rally and hold one right down the street from the Columbine shooting, just days later mind you. WHAT A POS FUCKTARD.

karmasurfer said...

Yeah, it seems pretty fucked up to hold a gun rally right down the road and a few days after Columbine, but these events are planned months in advance and sometimes the show must go on.

Besides, it wasn't guns that killed all those people but a depressive and a psychopath on drugs prescribed by shrinks.