Anyone who's heard anything about 2012 has more than one idea about what might happen. Some feel it'll be the end of the world. Others see it as a spiritual awakening. Still more see it as the completion of the global police state, New World Order, 1984 revisited, etc. The Christian community see it as biblical prophecy come true with Armageddon, the rapture, the second coming and the emergence of the anti-Christ... the final battle of good and evil... you know, all that biblical stuff we've been waiting for. A great many people think nothing at all will happen, and life will go on as usual, i.e. paying taxes, balancing our checkbooks, planning vacations, and spending our free time going to the shops buying shit we don't need.
In our narrow-minded view of how the universe works, we tend to believe in scenarios which we've either experienced or heard about but can't seem to wrap our minds around stuff outside our individual reality tunnels.
Well, here's a reality tunnel you might be able to comprehend.
If you look around, you can see the breakdown of nearly every social construct we, as humans, have levied upon ourselves. The agricultural revolution has come full circle in developing food that not only is far less nutritious but, thanks to Monsanto, is genetically modified to the point where only Monsanto can produce the seeds needed to plant next years crops. We're in the throes of a recession because big business/government has fed off their own fat to the point where they're cannibalizing their own. The cost of transportation and keeping warm has eclipsed the cost of housing and nearly everyone is on some kind of prescription maintenance drug, which opens up a whole new set of problems. The mainstream religions are losing ground and people are searching elsewhere for their god of choice. The Mayan calendar predicts December 21, 2012 as the last day. NASA claims, at that time, our solar system will align with the Milky Way, solar flares might knock out the power grid on a world-wide basis, lobotomizing computers and destroying communication along with the world monetary system. Earth will reverse its spin so we will be able to see the sun rise in the west. Norway is nearly complete with their underground seed bunker. The U. S. government has a massive network of city-like bunkers miles underground. We seem to have entered an age of ethics where all this information is penetrating our lives, as if through osmosis, with an obvious end result of no more secrets.
And do you feel a little off balance, like a jigsaw puzzle with some of the pieces missing?
So, what does it all mean?
How the hell should I know?
I have just as much gray matter as you do. Don't you have any out-in-left-field solutions you've been pondering?
Ok, I do have an idea what it all means.
Have you noticed any syncronicities lately? You know, those little flashes of deja vu that you don't think much of. If you're experiencing increased syncronicities it's a good sign you're upgrading for what's to come. Enhanced ESP, telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, automatic writing, levitation, and channeling are just a few of the higher powers we'll be developing within the next four years as part of this upgrade.
With these new tools, do you think we might be more equipped to get a handle on what's to come? Despite all the stuff we consume, like insipid TV, prescription drugs, fluoride, non-nutritious food, banal advertising, a constant bombardment of various frequencies, stress from day to day living, and a plethora of devices designed to keep us dumb and happy, it's amazing we're evolving at such a rapid rate.
In any experiment the observer is always a participant and we, as individuals, are an essential and integral part of this equation. Many believe there will be a fundamental shift in consciousness that will allow most of us to step into a reality of our own choice and design based on WHAT WE EXPECT TO HAPPEN.
A fundamental Christian might experience Armageddon, complete with the rapture, the second coming, and everlasting life. Politicians might experience the New World Order with them as leaders of the world. An investor might acquire a seat on the stock exchange and their investments never go down. The common man might win the lottery every Tuesday. The possibilities are endless, and all on a personal scale.
So, what does it all mean for me? I suppose, whatever I expect, and I expect to have every fantasy and indulgence satisfied, unshackled by the bounds of time-space reality and become part of the universal continuum, hob-nobbing with personalities long dead and never born.
But the question should be... What does it mean for you?