Sunday, July 07, 2019

jury duty

I got a jury summons in the mail.  I have to be at the courthouse by 9am.  My first thought was first impressions count and what shirt should I wear.  Should I wear my "I Love Global Warming" T-shirt?  Maybe a nice Nazi armband to ensure no one picks me as a juror?  How bout I play it straight and wear a Hawaiian shirt, just because it's summer?

Sure, jury duty is a drag and no one but the vengeful really want to serve on a jury but it's our most cherished duty, outside of enlisting in the armed forces.  Not many countries on this planet have such a thing as a jury of your peers.  Most places just send you to the gulag for being suspected of a crime.  Here in the US we have this system where your peers decide if you should hang or go free.  The potential jury is randomly chosen from the voter registration rolls and driver license renewals.  From there it's pared down to twelve people worthy of deciding someone else's fate.  It's one hellova responsibility, not too easily dismissed.

I keep wondering if the defendant is someone I know or someone who I know did wrong to someone I know.  I wonder if the defendant was the guy who bashed my friends head in with a rock.  If this was the case, I wonder if I should say something or let this bastard rot in hell and act as the juror who stayed firm for conviction and execution.  Should I excuse myself and go home or witness the execution and write a book?

But if I knew the guy and his charge was victimless.  Total acquittal.
Domestic abuse...  I most likely will rule in his favor.
Armed robbery... let's see the evidence.
Murder... prove it.
Not paying taxes... total acquittal.
Bank robbery... total acquittal

The big question is, do lawyers want me to jury them?

I suspect I'll be home by 3.        


Rainbird said...

Yikes. I just had this fleeting urge to go slam my tit in the door after reading this. Just so you know, the time I skipped out on jury duty was during my left leaning, antiestablishment days.

karmasurfer said...

The last time I was offered jury duty I was a left leaning anti-establishment radical who really wanted to be on the jury to make a change. This last time was before a couple fighting a hospital corporation for wrongful death and I couldn't give a shit because the hospital always wins, even if they lose. I sabotaged my chances and got out of two weeks worth of horseshit.

Rainbird said...
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Rainbird said...

Phew 😅!