At first, I thought I'd visit them in the middle of the night and unceremoniously plant an HHG under their beds. The thought of dressing up like a ninja, sneaking through someone's house, hiding in closets, watching the women get undressed, and waiting for the right moment to emerge and blend into the darkness of their bedrooms for the sole purpose of planting an HHG under their beds was at first appealing, but ... SHADES OF THE NIGHT STALKER! This is the kinda shit people go to prison for. Needless to say, I perished that thought and opted, instead, to visit them and bring an HHG as an objet d'art present in exchange for the keys to the liquor cabinet.
Ya know, this plan is so crazy, it just might work!
Wish me luck, and if you get a phone call in the middle of the night, just accept the charges, ok?
I want to try it! Really. Badly. Alot!
I'll call ya ... but if a woman answers, should I hang up? ;)
Seriously, though -- you've taken things to a new level, with the lapis HHGs. They're subtle, and powerful -- they're the first passive devices you've made that emit as much energy as the radionics.
Let's see what happens when you pass them out to people :)
P.S. Very nice photo. If you look closely enough, you can see the distribution of particulates -- denser at the top, looser at the bottom, with bigger pieces -- and spirals -- initiating the energy at the more raw level, filtering up through the more dense.
Thank-you so much, T, for letting me be a part of this. Chrissy was really excited when she saw a package from Drums, PA, she had me open it right away, it was sooo wrapped! It smells really good also and it's under my bed, placed there at 5:15pm, I'll let you know how things go!
Getting the word out, Noosphere/Jumping Jesus/Living Energy Universe-wise :o)
Ugh, it cut off the whole URL ... well, go here (and scroll):
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