Wednesday, July 09, 2008

flight of the doomed

Phred and I were discussing free energy the other night over a bunch of drinks. We discussed Joe cells, Tesla coils, flying cars, and how his dad, a truck driver from way back, used a hydrogen device on his truck that cut his fuel consumption in half. Of course, fuel was cheap back then, and this device was just an experimental curiosity, but the tech existed way back in the '20's. That touched off my biggest peeve... Why the hell don't we have free energy flying cars by now, like the Jetsons?

Phred then said if he had the information and start-up capital, he'd build free energy cars and put all the other car manufacturers out of business. I said, "Phred, you can't build a car from scratch. It's against the law," He said, "Fuck em! I'll build the goddamn thing. Let 'em fuckin' stop me!"

Then it dawned on me. The only reason we don't have free energy flying cars is because the car manufacturers sent an army of lobbyists to Washington to hand over vast amounts of cash to our representatives to pass laws preventing anyone from building cars but them, and I just told Phred he couldn't build a car because The Government said so.

Ya know, Phred was right. Fuck 'em. Fuck those bastard whores of society. Where do they get off making laws designed to stifle any way out of this fucked-up situation they put us all in? The automakers could talk all they want about hydrogen cars and how they're working on the problem...BLA BLA BLA........ These are the same corporate whores that built and destroyed the EV1 back in 1997, shelved Charles Pogue's phenomenal 200mpg carburetor in the 1930's, and completely redisigned Bucky Fullers Dymaxion car into a cheap imitation of a futuristic-like lemon that never got off the assembly line.

Every single aspect of today's cars was NOT developed by the automakers (except planned obsolescence). From automatic transmissions to electric windshield wipers, you can thank the individual garage tinkerers for everything that makes a car a car. Do you know who invented the windshield wiper? Well, let me tell ya... it was a chick. It wasn't Henry Ford, the Dodge brothers or the Wright brothers, or even the Smith brothers. It was a chick named Mary Anderson, and she put it together in her own garage. If she can do it, what the hell's the matter with us?

And today, IF you manage to invent something like Mary Anderson did, you'll never get a patent for it. Big Corp has it all sewed up, from the Patent Office, to the judges, to the lobbyists, to the government, and back to Big Corp. Do you think Boeing would let a couple of bicycle repairmen like the Wright brothers build a better plane? In your dreams.

I humbly take my hat off to Phred, and I'm embarrassed that I became infected with sheepitude, quoting a law that not only I despise, but should be broken at every opportunity.

Whatever happened to our civil disobedient rights?

It's our Second Amendment rights to fight tyranny from the ground up. The fact is, any law, no matter how inconsequential it may seem, could have devastating consequences if left unchallenged. Case in point: Car registrations, i.e. license plates. You don't need to know whether your neighbor has a number on his car or not. The only reason we have a number on our cars is so THEY can make money off of us and exercise control. If we had challenged this law from the beginning, we wouldn't be in the position of having numbers on our foreheads in the near future.

So, get out there and challenge them, damn it!

And let's find some chick to build us a free-energy flying car.


Eowyn said...

"It was a chick named Mary Anderson, and she put it together in her own garage. If she can do it, what the hell's the matter with us?"

Hear us roar! ;)

I'd like to see one of those corporate limp-wrists even clean their HOUSE, much less design something next-generation. Losers.

I think their days are numbered, though, along with all their festering ilk. ( :) )

They're going to be some of the first to come foraging west of New York and east of Detroit for food -- and we'll have an SKS welcome all ready for them.

Eowyn said...

P.S. Phred's a gem. Can't wait to see him this weekend at Blues :)

Anonymous said...

Wayyyy too many thoughts on this post and not enough comment space to properly respond. Interesting conversation.