Friday, July 11, 2008

homework assignment

This weeks homework assignment will be to keep track of George Bush, John McCain, and Barack Obama. My guess is they'll all participate in the Annual Bohemian Grove Extravaganza in California between now and July 27th.

What is Bohemian Grove, you may ask?

Well, in a nutshell, that's where all the major world decisions by the worlds biggest movers and shakers are made, and homosexual orgies are known to be part of the festivities enjoyed by the predominately "Christian conservative" leaders who go there. Former attendee Richard Nixon once referred to the Grove as, "the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine."

Both McCain and Democratic candidate Barack Obama will be in California from Saturday to Tuesday, during which time both candidates are scheduled to speak at the National Council of La Raza, a racist Mexican separatist group that advocates a violent overthrow of the southwestern U.S. states.

In addition, according to an Arizona Daily Star report about a different subject, President Bush's schedule for next week has not been released, meaning Bush, a regular attendee with his father to Bohemian Grove in past years, could be set to make a visit at some point to mark the last year of his presidency.

McCain and Obama have been watched so closely, due to their run for the oval office, and their schedules were so tight that you could find their whereabouts down to the minute, except for those times when they don't want to be found, like when Obama and Hillary went to the Bilderberg meeting in Virginia last month. Ditto for GW's unreleased schedule.

What you need to do is pay close attention to what these three guys are doing. Check the news media. I'll bet dollars to donuts all the media will talk about is fluff, such as how Obama and McCain did so far with popular opinion and endlessly discuss who said what about who and crap like that. You'll not see McCain or Obama til after tuesday, or Bush for at least a week.
I'll bet all three of these guys are eagerly anticipating the annual group circle jerk and cracker eating contest followed by the corn-holing-of-little-boys-festival, while they all dress like women, felating each other while they perform a human sacrifice to their Canaanite god.

And you thought the President of The United States was a distinguished position.


Anonymous said...

Great assignment, T. Good read.

karmasurfer said...

I expect that report on my desk Wednesday morning.

Eowyn said...

Okay, I'm on the job.

First place to visit -- Simple, right? They'd post a general itinerary of the president's schedule -- where he's going, when?

Nope. It's a labyrinth.

And consider this:

"So the bottom line is that of a total of approximately 2,535 days as president, most of them during a time of war, Bush spent all or a part or 908 days, an incredible 36 percent of his time, on vacation or at retreat places. Hard to believe, but true. Nine hundred and eight days is two and a half years of Bush's presidency."

(from an excerpt from "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder" by Vincent Bugliosi, published by Vanguard Press -- link here --

Keeping an eye on the MSM is tricky, vis-a-vis news reports of Bush and Obama's travels.

Good homework assignment indeed :o)

Eowyn said...

Ugh, URL too long -- here's a better link --

Eowyn said...

Me: "Good homework assignment indeed :o)"

Of course, I bow to the superior scholarship already shown here. As has been pointed out in a previous thread, my own skills were "called awhile ago." Quite out of context, but hey, if the egregiousness fits ...

Pity the humble seeker!

(Sorry -- couldn't resist ;)