The jury is in. We're becoming dumber. Whether it's because of fluoride in the water, insipid TV shows, lifelong maintenance drugs started at preadolescence, increasing production and consumption of nutrition-less, prepackaged, HFCS-laden food, the elimination of a classical education, pandering to really dumb kids by lowering school standards for education, suppression of critical thinking in education, constant bombardment of extremely low frequencies, or a combination of these, has teetered the average Intelligence Quotient to somewhere between mildly retarded to moron, with no bottom in sight.
Another factor is dumb people are breeding more, while smart people are breeding less, or not at all. In the early '70's, the zero-population growth mantra was "No more than two," meaning zero-population growth can only be achieved if we produce enough offspring to replace ourselves. The dumb kids slept through that class, and went on to breed a massive progeny of kids dumber than their parents, who continued this population expansion with a breeding cycle starting at 12 years old.
Where smart people might become grandparents in their 50's, dumb people become grandparents by 24, with an average sibling rate of 6 dumb kids breeding 42 dumber cousins in a single generation.
Look around and you'll see all kinds of clues. It's and its are interchangeable. So are their, they're, and there, as well as are, our, R, and the pirate mantra, Arrrrr. And don't get me going on ask and ax. Just look at the insipid use of mixing upper case and lower case letters for nics and posts and you can see how language is a living, growing hyper-retarded expression of our exponentially retarded headlong plunge towards idiocy. And that's just simple communication. Have you driven on a highway lately? Idiots driving in the hammer lane as everyone in the slow lane passes them, driving in excess of 20 miles with the turn signal on, slowing down to pass vehicles only to exceed the speed limit by 20mph so no one passes them, Hummers, negotiating turns while using 2 cell phones at once... the list goes on. Have you ever seen a car on the highway with the gas pump hose still in the tank? I have... so many times that it makes me feel uncomfortable about the other drivers.
So, who are the smart people? Let's make a list...
Scientists? Engineers? Computer geeks? Politicians? Corporate executives? All the guys running the world, of which there are just enough to have lunch together at a large table? AAANNNK!
What makes you think these guys are smarter than you? Is it money, power, control? You don't have to be smart to have money, power and control. All you need is a big stick and a goon squad. That's not smart... that's thug control.
Look at the state of the world around you and ask yourself, if this world were run by smart people, wouldn't it be a little less insane?
I postulate the dumbest people in the world are the guys at the top of the heap, and they're getting dumber every day. I also believe the smart people who used to work for these dumb-asses to provide a semblance of smartness to their otherwise dumb-as-dirt ideas are leaving that scene and going underground. All the thugs at the top have to effect control is thug behavior, and without enough smart guys to stave off their gross stupidity, the system as we know it is destined to collapse under its own weight of stupid retards at the top of the heap.
You're probably thinking, "I'm not stoopid." Ok, let's see how you measure up to an 8th-grade education from 100 years ago.
Admit it, you're kinda stupid, ain't ya?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
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Everybody knows Europe is a country!
I'm stupid! I'm stupid! I have no original thoughts!
But, well, SOMEONE out there has insight -- and I know she -- or they -- will come up with a signpost.
Stupid does as stupid is, just look at the asshole signpost I made.
Do we have to read it, eowyn? Do you really need to post your garbage here?
Poor Sybil. Momma's enemas didn't work.
Of course, anyone reading comments here will naturally associate the topic. That is, why people are stupid, versus why they are not.
"Sybill" -- and its aliases -- will give you full verse.
Momma's enemas only worked on your mouth, eowyn, that's why every time that you open your mouth, shit falls out of it. Now Mamma's enemas are affecting your fingertips, too.
lmao at sybil(l)
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