Sunday, February 01, 2009

chaos... order. is there another choice?

We live in a universe where chaos rules. We're so used to things going wrong that when something finally does go right it's cause for celebration.
We've settled into this rationale that it's an imperfect universe and things go wrong as a matter of course. Our human culture is littered with witty phrases like "Shit happens" and "When you get lemons, make lemonade", and "No one said life was easy." We expect things to go wrong and it's built into every system we have and every area of our existence. We can carefully plan and craft an idea right down to the finest detail and every single time we run the program we find at least one "fly in the ointment". "The best-laid plans of mice and men go often awry." We all know and accept this, but we also realize Robert Burns was an optimist and every plan always has just enough chaos built into it to screw things up.

Think about all the things that go wrong in your small, personal corner of the universe every day and multiply that by 6.7 billion and you'll get a rough idea why we think disorder is a natural state of being. We've accepted war as natural as our computers crashing or a bad cell phone signal, and our collective reaction to this chaos has gone from pounding our fists with rage to a shoulder shrug.
It doesn't matter what disaster shows up on the news. We're used to it and take it all in stride as if this is the way things are supposed to be.

"Did ya hear the news? We just declared a preemptive war with Pakistan and there's a bird flu pandemic that already killed 20,000 people on the east coast."
"So, What's for dinner?"

What if chaos is an anomaly designed to stimulate a mutation, where chaos is the antigen and mutation is the antibody?
Like it makes sense for an anomaly to increase a histamine count to produce a scratch.
This theory would only be possible if the the mutation were necessary for positive growth... to make the organism better than it was before. Using the histamine/scratch metaphor, it might be to scrape a parasite from your flesh before it infects the body, not to improve anything but to simply maintain a state of health before the parasite showed up.

Come to think of it, this metaphor pretty much explains the chaotic state of our existence. I'm pretty sure you feel the pinch of these social parasites sucking your life blood through endless taxes, higher monthly bills, and seemingly endless, stupid laws that can be perceived to be designed to make your life a little more chaotic, complicated, and frustrating than it was before. You find yourself exhausted from scratching and eventually stop pounding your fists and begin shrugging your shoulders in compliance with the way things are, as if this is the way it's supposed to be.

But what if this isn't the way it's supposed to be?

What if we got it wrong? What if chaos was purposely injected into our system like itching powder, causing us to constantly scratch and distract us from who's supplying the itching powder in the first place?
You and I may not be supplying the itching powder but we still distribute it, perpetuating this unnecessary, and totally worthless, chaos.

We have these things called money, power, and control that mess things up. We have all the power we need to do anything we want but we're too dumbed down, programmed, and controlled to realize it. Throw money into the mix and you have a system that all but forces everyone to suck the life blood out of everyone, perpetuating this chaotic existence. Our lives have chaos in them because we let it happen and we don't know any better. We're stuck in this vampire orgy program of congress, electric utilities, medical costs, mortgage rates, fuel, neighbors, employers, family, friends, pharmaceutical companies, politics, and religion feeding off our jugulars like collective Draculas, forcing us to feed from someone else, who feeds off someone else, who feeds off someone else, ad infinitum.

I don't think this was the way man was supposed to exist. I'm of the opinion we already have the power, and if we have the power we can make a change to end this cycle of vampirism by making the effort to stop being a parasite and give your power only to those you want to give it to, willingly.

Reprogram others by showing them they can't take your energy unless they change their ways. When you freely give your energy away you open yourself to receive more, which makes it easy to give to those who need it. Refuse to give it away on demand.

You won't invite a thief to your home for dinner. Why cast your pearls before swine?


angelzwild said...

I have the power to control the positive energy in my life and I refuse to let the negativity posted to even come close to me.

It's in your mind-set. If you expect all that you wrote, you will get it but I happen to have alot more faith in humanity, then again, I hand-pick those that I want in my life and the parasites, they can't even come near me.

You know this.

This is NOT how humanity is. Maybe a small percentage of spiritual vampires have the mindset of this post but I can tell you that NO ONE that I associate with would even be able to relate to the insanity of this concept, well, miserable people, sure, they will, those without any inspiration and passion will, those that just merely "EXIST" will but "those people" are not in my life.

Attitude is everything, get a good one. (Seen on a sign on the way to the hospital one day!)

karmasurfer said...

I think you missed my point. I'm not saying everyone is running around like a bunch of demonic Vlads, knowingly sucking the life force out of everyone they come across. I'm trying to point out that chaos and social vampirism is the opposite of democracy... it infects from the outside in and from the top down. It's an emotional plague.

Case n point, Wall st. needs a trillion dollar bailout to stimulate the economy. 90% of that bailout money goes to executive bonuses and every tax payer pays for it. Big business jumps on the bandwagon for a piece of the pie and we pay for that with more taxes. Joe Blow has to make ends meet so he cheats on his taxes and charges a little extra to his customers. Phone companies have hidden charges you pay for every month, and utilities raise their rates. Charitable contributions decline and churches close. Unemployment rises, soup kitchens close, and crime accelerates from stealing gas to armed robbery to identity theft. IRS is running into overtime, forcing everyone to pay their "fair share" with increasing audits and gestapo tactics. LIHEAP, food stamps, unemployment, social security, and every other social program is being tapped and only the poor are paying for it. The Federal Reserve is the only business making obscene profits, which is privately owned by foreign bankers, (outside in, top down) who happened to start and accelerate this whole economic mess, and Ron Paul is considered a nut because he wants to abolish the Fed.

And that's just economic vampirism.

The vast majority of American citizens will never contact their congressmen to endorse Ron Paul's efforts because they're still asleep, dreaming of a world that doesn't exist.

Anyone who thinks all this is normal is just a social vampire cheerleader hopelessly infected by the emotional plague.

I don't think this is normal. Do you?

Anonymous said...

You should have said that, LOL!!!!!!!!