I was amazed as anyone when the towers fell on 9/11. To be honest, I didn't think much about how the buildings fell into their own footprints. I thought it was odd, nothing more. About a year later, a friend of mine sent me the Northwoods report, about a possible false flag operation in the early '60's where jetliners filled with civilians were to be used as weapons to turn the world against Fidel Castro. Again, I didn't make the connection. I remember saying to him, "so what." In my mind, some planes hit the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania, and that was it. Some crazy Arabs with box cutters took over some planes and died for Allah.
I was obviously asleep. Common sense should have told me a building the size of one of the towers can't possibly fall straight down at freefall speed without toppling over. Of course, I questioned why NORAD didn't do anything. I was still asleep and accepted the official report, and couldn't understand why some people were making such a big thing about this.
After awhile, bits and pieces of information began to surface. Stuff like trucks filled with gold bullion from one of the towers was found abandoned at the far side of the underground complex. Firemen, police and citizens reported explosions before the towers fell. Marvin Bush was in charge of security for Dulles Airport and The World Trade Center. Dick Cheney was in charge of the NORAD exercises that day. No videotape was shown of the plane that hit the Pentagon, even though the Pentagon was the most video-secure building in the nation. Every video in the area that showed the "plane" hit the Pentagon was confiscated within minutes of the crash, never to be seen again. Molten steel under the towers thousands of degrees hotter than any jet fuel could produce. The removal of all debris from ground zero before any investigation could begin.
I watched enough cop shows to know you don't mess with a crime scene before an investigation, and these were crime scenes of the highest order. Why would they do that? My limited, critical thinking can only conclude this was a massive cover-up.
That's when I started to wake up.
I looked into it. I searched for pictures, videos, eyewitness accounts, and people in the know like architects, metallurgists, commercial pilots, and demolition experts. I wasn't the only one. Thousands of people were looking for the same answers. We shared our findings on the internet and soon, we had amassed a huge collection of data on or around 9/11. Out of all this information, one thing continued to intensify in clarity... 9/11 absolutely was an inside job and was orchestrated from the highest levels of government as a false flag operation, much like the Northwoods report I received years before.
The sleeper has awakened.
I could get into the Pentagon crash. I could get into the World Trade Center crash, ad nauseum, but I'd like to shed some light on flight 93 at Shanksville, just to point out that the government version is closest to a conspiracy theory, bordering on fantasy and each question asked only opened up more unanswered questions.
The official version: A plane headed to crash into some place in Washington, like the Capital or the Whitehouse, whatever, filled with heroes that tried to take over the plane and crashed it, saving the lives of hundreds of politicians. They even made a movie about it.
The real version: The doctor at the crash scene at Shanksville stopped being a coroner after 20 minutes because there was not a drop of blood anywhere. The crash site looked like a ditch with some garbage. No plane. No bodies. No luggage. No debris of any kind remotely associated with a plane crash. Do a search on plane crashes and you'll find pictures of engines, parts of wings and fuselage, seats, bodies, clothes from luggage scattered all over the place, and the cockpit is almost always intact. At Shanksville... nothing like that.
One question keeps hammering at me. If there were no bodies from Flight 93 at Shanksville, where did they all go?
Officially, Flight 93 was identified as landing at Cleveland Hopkins, Ohio at 10:45 am, on September 11, 2001. At 11:15 they began evacuating passengers to the empty NASA building on the grounds. There is no more information about these 200 passengers.
The passengers on Flight 93 used cell phones to talk to family and loved ones before they tried to take over the plane. Some of the calls from that plane were just, plain, creepy. "Hi mom. This is Mark Brewer, your son." "This is Mark Brewer. You believe me, don't you?" Since when have you ever identified yourself to your mother with both names? Cell phones, at that time, didn't have the capability to make calls from commercial airliners. All the cell phone towers you see are for lateral transmission. They're not designed to make calls to or from aircraft flying at 30,000 feet doing an excess of 500pmh.
But the question still remains... What happened to all those people on Flight 93? They haven't been seen after 11:15am on 9/11. If their remains aren't in Shanksville, where are they?
The alternative is too heinous to even consider. To drive a plane full of people into a skyscraper for political reasons is pretty heartless, but to disembark innocent passengers from a plane, never to be heard of again, could mean only one thing. These people were taken off the plane in Cleveland, escorted to a vacant NASA building, and eventually, executed. The intentional murdering of 200 people just to keep the lie going is cold beyond human comprehension, and that's the mindset of what was behind the attacks of 9/11.
And Shanksville was just one incident that opened up a series of questions that points directly to the government as the only entity that has the answers... and they aren't talking. Ask the government what happened to Flight 93 and all those people.
Many people out there are comfortable with the government version. I can't understand why or how anyone could accept the official version, with all the information from independent studies, all showing a plethora of anti-physics miracles that the official version is based on.
Doesn't anyone think it's odd that The Millenium Hilton is still standing, even though it was closer to the Twin Towers than WTC7 that was "pulled" because it had a few fires? The BBC reported WTC7 collapsed a half hour before it actually did. WTC7 was the third building in history that collapsed due to fire. The other two were the Twin Towers. All three buildings fell into their own footprints, even WTC7, which wasn't even hit by a plane.
In the total history of mankind, there are only three skyscrapers that fell due to fire and ALL of them went down the same day and were owned by Larry Silverstein. In fact, the only buildings that didn't go down were ones that Larry didn't own.
If you want the truth, follow the money. Larry took out extra insurance specifically for terrorist attacks weeks before 9/11 and made billions from a small investment. The Carlyle Group is now the biggest war profiteer in history and GW Bush will make his fortune the old fashioned way... inheritance. The put options on American Airlines and United, days before 9/11, hit record highs. Proof that others knew what was about to happen and wanted to make a profit.
You look for answers, and all you find is this strange labyrinth of unnatural physics that no government agency will even acknowledge. So, you look for the answers and try to fill in the gaps with critical thinking and everything points toward our own government trying to cover things up.
I got into a semi-heated argument with some people a few weeks ago who agree with the government version. They were convinced the steel melted from burning jet fuel, which is basically kerosene, and this burning jet fuel traveled all the way down the elevator shafts to the basement. They said the plane and burning fuel destroyed the inner core and the two buildings fell like a stack of records on a turntable. I asked them about the explosions prior to the collapse and they said there were no explosions. I said, the firemen, police, bystanders, people in the building all heard explosions. They said there were no explosions. It was all so simple for them to understand. Then I realized none of these people had a computer. They got all their information from TV and Mainstream News Media. Figures... They were still asleep and Big Brother was still singing them lullabies.
If you're reading this, chances are you know all about this, and I'm preaching to the choir. The people who still believe the government version are most likely getting their news from TV and newspapers and could care less about the internet and whether it stays an open information media or becomes a clone of cable TV with 40 websites with nothing on.
The government could end this debate once and for all. All they need to do is release a few of the many videotapes showing the plane hitting the Pentagon or release the information on the flight recorders from the planes. By not doing so, logic dictates a coverup of something so heinous, so absolutely mind-numbing that if the masses ever found out, they'd drag these bastards out in the street and hang them.
And THAT'S why I make and distribute orgonite. At least I'm doing something proactive.